1.ASEAN Sectoral Ministerial Bodies shall:
a. function in accordance with their respective established mandates;
b. implementvthe agreements and decisions of the ASEAN Summit under their respective purview;
c. strengthen cooperation in their respective fields in support of ASEAN integration and community building; and
d. submit report and recommendations to their respective Community Councils.
2.Each ASEAN Sectoral Miniterial Body may have under its purview the relevant senior officials and subsidiary bodies to undertake its funtions as contained in Annex 1.The Annex may be updatedby the Secretary-General of ASEAN upon the recommendation of the Committee of Permanent Representatives without recourse to the provision on Amendments under this Charter.
1.The Secretary-General of ASEAN shall be appointed by the ASEAN Summit for a non-renewable term of office of five years, selected from among nationals of the ASEAN Member States based on alphabetical rotation, with due consideration to integrity, capability and professional experience, and gender equality.
2.The Secretary-General shall:
a. carry out the duties and responsibilities of this high office in accordance with the provisions of this Charter and relevant ASEAN instruments, protocols and established practices;
b. facilitable and monitor progressinthe implementation of ASEAN agreements and decisions, and submit an annual report on the work of ASEAN to the ASEAN Summit;
c. participate in meetings of the ASEAN Summit, the ASEAN Community Councils, the ASEAN
d. two Deputy Secretaries-General who will serve a term of three years, which may be renewed for another three years.These two Deputy Secretaries-General shall be openly recruited based merit.
7.The ASEAN Secertiat shall comprise the Secretary-General and such staff as may be required.
8.The Secretary-General and the staff shall:
a. uphold the highest standards of integrity, efficiency, and competence in the performance of their duties;
b. not seek or receive instructions from any government or external party outside of ASEAN; and
c. refrain from any action which might reflect on their position as ASEAN Secretariat officials responsible only to ASEAN.
9.Each ASEAN Member state undertakes to respect the exclusively ASEAN character of the responsibilities of the Secretary-General and the staff, and not to seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities.
1.Each ASEAN Member state shall appoint a Permanent Representative to ASEAN with the rank of Ambassador based in Jakarta.
2.The Permanent Representatives collectively constitute a Committee of Permanent Representatives, which shall;
ARTICLE 10ASEAN SECTORAL MINISTERIAL BODIES1.ASEAN Sectoral Ministerial Bodies shall: a. function in accordance with their respective established mandates; b. implementvthe agreements and decisions of the ASEAN Summit under their respective purview; c. strengthen cooperation in their respective fields in support of ASEAN integration and community building; and d. submit report and recommendations to their respective Community Councils.2.Each ASEAN Sectoral Miniterial Body may have under its purview the relevant senior officials and subsidiary bodies to undertake its funtions as contained in Annex 1.The Annex may be updatedby the Secretary-General of ASEAN upon the recommendation of the Committee of Permanent Representatives without recourse to the provision on Amendments under this Charter.ARTICLE 11SECRETARY-GENERAL OF ASEANAND ASEAN SECRETARIAT1.The Secretary-General of ASEAN shall be appointed by the ASEAN Summit for a non-renewable term of office of five years, selected from among nationals of the ASEAN Member States based on alphabetical rotation, with due consideration to integrity, capability and professional experience, and gender equality.2.The Secretary-General shall: a. carry out the duties and responsibilities of this high office in accordance with the provisions of this Charter and relevant ASEAN instruments, protocols and established practices; b. facilitable and monitor progressinthe implementation of ASEAN agreements and decisions, and submit an annual report on the work of ASEAN to the ASEAN Summit; c. participate in meetings of the ASEAN Summit, the ASEAN Community Councils, the ASEAN d. two Deputy Secretaries-General who will serve a term of three years, which may be renewed for another three years.These two Deputy Secretaries-General shall be openly recruited based merit.7.The ASEAN Secertiat shall comprise the Secretary-General and such staff as may be required.8.The Secretary-General and the staff shall: a. uphold the highest standards of integrity, efficiency, and competence in the performance of their duties; b. not seek or receive instructions from any government or external party outside of ASEAN; and c. refrain from any action which might reflect on their position as ASEAN Secretariat officials responsible only to ASEAN.9.Each ASEAN Member state undertakes to respect the exclusively ASEAN character of the responsibilities of the Secretary-General and the staff, and not to seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities.ARTICLE 12COMMITTEE OF PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVES TO ASEAN1.Each ASEAN Member state shall appoint a Permanent Representative to ASEAN with the rank of Ambassador based in Jakarta.2.The Permanent Representatives collectively constitute a Committee of Permanent Representatives, which shall;
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1.ASEAN Sectoral Ministerial Bodies shall:
a. Function in accordance with. Their respective established mandates;
B. Implementvthe agreements and decisions of the ASEAN Summit under their respective. Purview;
C. Strengthen cooperation in their respective fields in support of ASEAN integration and community building; and
. D.Submit report and recommendations to their respective Community Councils.
2.Each ASEAN Sectoral Miniterial Body may have. Under its purview the relevant senior officials and subsidiary bodies to undertake its funtions as contained in Annex 1.The Annex may be updatedby the Secretary-General of ASEAN upon the recommendation of the Committee of Permanent Representatives. Without recourse to the provision on Amendments under this Charter.
1.The. Secretary-General of ASEAN shall be appointed by the ASEAN Summit for a non-renewable term of office of, five yearsSelected from among nationals of the ASEAN Member States based on, alphabetical rotation with due consideration, to integrity. Capability and professional experience and gender, equality.
2.The Secretary-General shall a. Carry out the duties and. Responsibilities of this high office in accordance with the provisions of this Charter and relevant, ASEAN instrumentsProtocols and established practices;
B. Facilitable and monitor progressinthe implementation of ASEAN agreements, and decisions. And submit an annual report on the work of ASEAN to the ASEAN Summit;
C. Participate in meetings of the, ASEAN Summit the. ASEAN, Community Councils the ASEAN
D. Two Deputy Secretaries-General who will serve a term of, three yearsWhich may be renewed for another three years.These two Deputy Secretaries-General shall be openly recruited based merit.
7.The. ASEAN Secertiat shall comprise the Secretary-General and such staff as may be required.
8.The Secretary-General and the. Staff shall:
a. Uphold the highest standards, of integrity efficiency and competence, in the performance of their duties;
. B.Not seek or receive instructions from any government or external party outside of ASEAN; and
C. Refrain from any action. Which might reflect on their position as ASEAN Secretariat officials responsible only to ASEAN.
9.Each ASEAN Member state. Undertakes to respect the exclusively ASEAN character of the responsibilities of the Secretary-General and, the staffAnd not to seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities.
1.Each ASEAN Member state shall appoint a Permanent Representative to ASEAN with the rank of Ambassador based in. Jakarta.
2.The Permanent Representatives collectively constitute a Committee of, Permanent Representatives which shall;
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