How to make pork steak sauce gate rawi. (Pork Steaks Gravy)If you are looking for holiday dishes to eat. In a simple family, we offer a "pork steak sauce vy vy vy rawi graves," Although this may sound difficult, menu, but actually it is not difficult to a beginner because of the size of PC!!!!! measles as the owner of the blog. Plus, eating together, family first, we come to see that what is the raw material ......1. pork tenderloin steaks, also (not identical to understand why San outside the soft flesh is probably because???) Sale is a typical supermarket by kha.2. vegetable side dish with steak. The owner of the thread are broccoli, carrot, potato and baby corn. 3. salted butter.4. low-fat cream, artificial5. sweet condensed milk6. tomato sauce7. onion chopped8. chop garlic9. chilli black pepper Thailand Thailand information light meals.10. tomato chopped11. salt12. pineapple marinated small quantities of meat.13. the oyster sauce.14. white soy sauce15 bale khona.All we are doing is step 4.First, we must keep the pork marinating before May 2-3 hour cleaning so that the steak is delicious, soft, seductive, eat more.Step 1 The marinated pork1. take a pig to clean.2. put the pork into a bowl of marinated and very important is pineapple juice. We will squeeze the juice from the pineapple meat only sour prepared because it has properties help soften meat.3. low fat soy sauce white artificial cream holders. Oyster sauce into two buildings, but be careful not to be too salty kids?4. put chilies, black pepper Thailand Thailand a soft tablets to enhance the smell.5. khluk khlao, seasoning the meat, and then took it to the refrigerator.To not lose time, we will work on the part of the side here at all.Step 2 The steamed vegetables.1. wash the spinach thoroughly, especially the potatoes must be barked and then clean the salt water to get rid of the mucus is not khlueap. Now steaming out to be potatoes sai mueak the seen in the picture, because the owner of the blog just came to know how to clean up the river later + _ +"2. bring the vegetable came steaming. Best of the blog will be steamed broccoli, corn, potato, light enough for it to finally put the little cat, half waiting for a steamer to get California thapai wait that is not too ^_^ and.3. cooked spinach and remove from steaming pots. Split. The vegetables may not look hiao owner blog is not separated from the steaming pots. It's also very warm, hot steam is so withered and yellow vegetables as it saw-. " is indispensable part that is made into sauce, garlic flavoured rawi gate with soft flesh. Don't delay, come and see how it is.Step 3 To make sauce, graves, rawi.1. first set the oven Put the water into the pot and put the pork bone soup flavor 1 khona rolls into it (actually, probably with pork bone itself, but they quickly chose to use RA khonot ^ ^ ") and out to the laundry room. This water is the main ingredient of tabacco rawi sauce called Nam stock enough!!!2. bring the water out at the stock and pour about 1 cup into a pot that is used to make cream sauce, then place a satellite gate rawi low fat and condensed milk into small quantities of long ka. The kids don't just.3. put the salt into the butter for about 1-2. A lump sum depending on the quantity of sauce is made the same as the person can see that yellow sauce as nuan.4. put tomato sauce salt and minced garlic, chopped onion, tomato chopped. Pepper, black pepper, crushed Thailand Thailand blog owner but I like the soft aroma of pepper is never put the met into Thailand by ^^. 5. when the people together to get the sauce taste every flavor som. If you want to taste, wherever the above seasoned with additional ingredients. But the heavy hand breast be careful not much because most of the ingredients, but it's hard to become as khem may cause pork steak sauce have chara;p.And then it comes to tea last step Fried pork and pig tail is a pig.Step 4 Preparing beef steak1. take the marinated pork. Out of the fridge are cold before cleaning the damage first.2. open the gas Power is not force. Put a little oil in a frying pan breast pour flon. We will have to use salted butter for the butter to melt, use a ladle, pans and basic laleng.3. put pork fried fried fried, flip down back. Don't fry the pork for a long time much stronger, just try using a fork chim. See if it is a very soft inside. The soft, yellow meaning cooked.4. put the pork dish, fried garlic with rawi gate side as his pork steak sauce that make simple graves, rawi serving chara!!!!!!! Already completed.
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