Badminton is not clear. That evidence can indicate the origin of the sport that many of the era, such as: * 7th century Chinese range with old paintings, which indicates that it is used to transport chickens feign chicken feather balls used to play. That it will use two, or foot to band together for 3-4 people. * 20th century 13 people in southern India, red feather or fur use chicken to round balls pool ball katit round by a matted grass, straw, thousands. And chicken feather at the same time and point to play the hand ball that Paris put on players ' chicken feather. Others. * 20th century 14 nationals of Japan has been used to transport the chickens or head feathers and wooden plug bound to use the feather chicken by Racquet ball, wood hit the planks. Hit the ball Duck feather, chicken. * At the end of the 17th century in Europe there was burning oil painting to playing badminton in various. O Lord paradise River Aguilera nik chip built wooden badminton came from Sweden he simulated raekket in tennis, and furry feather chicken or use plug adjacent to the head, Cork. O Prince Frederic foe c Crown Prince he, badminton Denmark property in the same manner, but it calls the Badminton "Feather balls, chicken thathoendo with the brand." * 18th century King of Prussia in Germany Frederic sharp foe find rat and her grandson Lord Frederic William c two spherical badminton foe in the same manner and in the uk there is a story that, in 1870, one of the soldiers stationed in the city to Nagoya. Countries, India has seen the sport hit chicken feather so to play in England, and in England at badminton, mansions, "" most business era a klot wofot at leisure in 1873 sports games hit the ball, it's called chicken feather "badminton", based on the names of places since then.
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