2. deciduous dipterocarp forest, wild goats or wild hump. The most common in the Northeast, 80 percent of forest types. All that exists in this sector. Also common in the region. And somewhat scattered down the central region. He found both in the plains and lower than 1000 meters down to a shallow land in relatively dry soil, sand or gravel. If the soil is deep, well drained and loamy. But is unable to maintain adequate moisture in the dry season. If the soil is shallow gravel toward the dark red color of some wild species that call. "Red Forest" nature of the forest is sparse, consisting of small and medium-sized deciduous tree up away. Scattered less dense Wild grasses and dwarf bamboo flooring, bamboo species, bamboo Winnipeg Chot Vietnamosasa spp. In general have relatively dense lace. Every year, wildfires occur regularly. Lace making some were burnt to death every year. Until then lace Tuberous roots are in adequate. It grows to a high danger of wildfire in some areas of the plains with deep sandy soils. Trees are often tall and large. Up into groups Tight as a mixed deciduous forests on the plains of northeastern often find some of the wood that looks completely at random, including Dipterocarpus intricatus, D. obtusifolius Hiang and antimony D. tuberculatus forest rather stunted. Meet mountain region with shallow soil on slopes and ridges. The most arid areas are found nesting Shorea siamensis up almost as one group alone. The favorites are found mixed with plants and four of the five species of plants such as rubber - Gauteng - nest deciduous (deciduous dipterocarp) found only in the forest only. And wood in the canopy will include trees, this group does not exceed 70 percent of the species found only in Kaliningrad, D. intricatus the Northeast.
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