Dear Sir, Madam, Today lina so much headache. Back home, there are no many people am lonely talk again until I ngaloei lina he doesn't want to return home are eager to shop all day all night working, because back home is very quiet and there are no lina am lonely people talk. Not everyone is waiting on bedroom single seat customers, watch movies, play games, Facebook alone am lonely too. Before cleaning the House has to hurry to talk to lina who loves every day. Saw each other every day. Tell me love and I miss hugging and telling a kiss before bedtime every night. But now, there are no that I love is my friend lina! Today, many crying with lina headache am lonely longing that love alone misses the most was before love lina is thought to be strong, not to cry, wait 6 months he loves that! However, this has not yet reached this month but very dear Miss lina lina speak comfort always loved that short 6 months it quickly, but lina is back! To keep that love set 6 months. It feels very long at all. that love. Lina loves love and miss you love very much! Don't forget the wait is loved by lina. Don't promise to shake hands with each other forever.
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