Rooms are all manufactured from tobacco. Tobacco is in botany that Nico of Catalonia tobacum (Nicotinia Tobaccum) the drying or curing and cut spray long, covered with paper roll. Smoking is inhaled cigarette smoke.The dangers of smoking. Due to a chemical components in cigarette smoke. Caused by the burning of the tobacco leaf, the paper used cigarettes and additives cigarette taste. The components of the rooms is hazardous to health.Is
.Rooms have separate components have a cigarette and cigarette smoke without rooms will have components as
1. The paper used smoking cigarette, mostly cellulose
2.Tobacco use rooms are nicotine about 20 mg. The drug makes smoke cameras with nicotine, about 25 mg and cigars have advanced to 100 mg
3.Other compounds, such as sugar, starch, fat, protein, phenol, fatty acids and minerals that are available in the soil crop early drug
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