Location: located on the equator, consists of two parts, is land
.Malaysiakini, located on the Malay Peninsula, consisting of 11 state is a trough, the Selangor Negri Sembilan Melaka. The Johor Perak Kelantan Terengganu. Penang, Kedah and ปะลิส
.East Malaysia is located on Borneo (Kalimantan) consists of 2 state is Sabah and Sarawak. Also the divisions under the Federation. Another 3 designated is Kuala Lumpur (capital) city of Putrajaya (city government).Area: square, 329 758
capital: Kuala Lumpur City: city of Putrajaya
Official Charts: hot, humid air average temperature 28 C
population. : the 26.24 million people
language:The official language is Malay language. It is also used in English, Chinese and Tamil
religions: Islam (national religion (60.4) Buddhist (%). 19.2) Christ (% 11.6) Hindu (% 6.3) other (percentage 2.5)
monetary unit: Malaysian ringgit (about 3.20 ringgit / 1 US dollars, or about 10.42 baht / 1 ringgit).
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