The money from the sale of output, it is rarely enough to pay back the loan and interest from the capitalists Lae and yoi. Even the seeds won't be able to plant next year's farming again because it has been genetically modified. Tamar is the need to find other sources of financing, or both to JavaScript land. Those assets shortly to fall into the hands of others.As a result, everyone went to shear these plants to grow those crops. Soon also know that plants need to use fertilizers and chemicals amount not less than ever. When harvesting the locals looked for that this year will be prosperous once. But then yield to slump. The proceeds from the sale of products is rarely enough money and interest on the loan from the capitalists. Even the seed was not available for planting next year again. Because it is genetically modified What is possible, Must find other sources of funds Or take the car to the Land's project was not long before those assets falling into the hands of others.
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