The format of a business divided by the nature of the establishment has been pattern is a 3.1. acts of God alone (Single Proprietorship) 2. a partnership (the Partnership). 3. limited liability company (Corporation or Limited Company). 1. acts of God alone (Single Proprietorship) เป็นธุรกิจขนาดเล็กใช้เงินทุนไม่มากมีเจ้าของเพียงคนเดียวเป็นผู้นำเงินมาลงทุนและทำหน้าที่เป็นผู้บริหารงานเอง เช่น ร้านค้าปลีก อู่ซ่อมรถ และกิจการบริการวิชาชีพต่างๆ เป็นต้น ผู้เป็นเจ้าของกิจการเป็นผู้มีสิทธิ์ในสินทรัพย์ และเมื่อมีกำไรหรือขาดทุนเกิดขึ้นก็จะเป็นผู้รับส่วนของกำไรหรือขาดทุนทั้งหมดนั้นแต่เพียงผู้เดียว ตลอดจนรับผิดชอบในหนี้สินที่เกิดขึ้นทั้งหมดของกิจการโดยไม่จำกัดจำนวนเช่นเดียวกัน ในทางกฎหมายกิจการเจ้าของคนเดียวไม่ถือเป็นนิติบุคคลแยกต่างหากจากผู้เป็นเจ้าของกิจการแต่ในทางบัญชีถือเป็นหน่วยอิสระหน่วยหนึ่งและแยกต่างหากจากผู้เป็นเจ้าของ ข้อดีของธุรกิจที่จัดตั้งขึ้นในรูปของกิจการเจ้าของคนเดียวนี้คือ การจัดตั้งและการบริหารงานง่าย รวดเร็ว เนื่องจากการตัดสินใจขึ้นอยู่กับเจ้าของกิจการเพียงคนเดียว ส่วนข้อเสียคือ การขยายกิจการทำได้ยาก เพราะมีเจ้าของเพียงคนเดียว การกู้ยืมเงินจากเจ้าหนี้จึงขึ้นอยู่กับฐานะและชื่อเสียงของเจ้าของแต่เพียงผู้เดียว รูปแบบของกิจการชนิดนี้มีฐานะเป็นบุคคลธรรมดา และเสียภาษีในอัตราภาษีเงินได้บุคคลธรรมดา 2. a joint-venture partnership (Partnership) It was established by two or more people agreed to invest that capital to be invested in other assets may be in cash or labor. The objective is to divide the profits. The terms are defined in management and profits. Investors in the partnership, called "partnership". Mid-sized retailers often undertaking established in the form of partnership. Advantages of a business that was established in a joint venture is a partnership. The decision in the Administration is carefully because someone is involved in the decision. The expanded joint venture owner easier. Disadvantage is that. This may cause delays in the decision because of the need to wait for approval from the other partner before. By partnership and commercial (paphop) is divided into two categories. 1. ordinary partnership 2. a limited partnership 1. ordinary partnership main characteristics of this type of partnership is a partnership that shares the common category. So who is the best partner for everyone responsible for the liabilities of the partnership without limit. This means that if the bankruptcy occurs, the partnership and the partnership's assets that are not enough to bring the debt payments, creditors of the partnership could sue individual partners to bring personal possessions to come. The establishment of the partnership is registered or not registered. If a legal entity is registered as an "annual corporate partnership" income tax corporate income tax rates. If it is not listed as a faculty person is a legal entity, not with individuals, as well as the owner of the joint venture income tax alone and in the personal income tax rate. 2. a limited partnership An important feature of this type of partnership is that there are two types of partners. 2.1 partner category, limited liability means that the partner who is responsible for the liabilities of the Department only does not exceed the amount that they will invest in the partnership. 2.2 the partner category is responsible for the debt does not mean a person is a limited partner share responsibilities for liabilities incurred by the partnership's unlimited partner categories and those responsible for the debt does not limit the number of.These partners will be the management partnership as a partnership Manager. Limited partnership must be registered with the Ministry of Commerce as a legal entity and have a partner category is responsible for.Liabilities do not limit the number of one or more taxable income in the corporate income tax rate.3. limited liability company (Corporation or Limited Company). It is established by the people was the establishment of the company not less than 7 people. Who was now registered to donate personal intercourse must be the khon only. Collaboration company registered by the purpose of the company, the amount of share capital and number of shares are registered shares and each share capital is valued equally. A limited company is established as a legal entity is registered as a legal entity separate from the owner is a shareholder (Stockholders or Shareholders). Shareholders, everyone is responsible for the debt does not exceed the amount of restricted stock that could not raise the value of the shares they hold. The company will pay the shareholders equity for the first time as any, but the amount must not be less than 25% of the price of the shares sold. 1 shareholder rights in the shareholders ' meeting, there are a large number of shares, 1 audio if you have administrative rights to vote equal to the number of shares. All shareholders who do not have permissions to manage the work of a company unless it has been ordained that the shareholders ' meeting, as a Director of the company since the Management Committee. Shareholders to receive a share of profit in the form of dividends (Dividends). Shares of the company could change hands by the sale or transfer of shares to others. Without having to quit the company because of its shareholders (owners). Everyone is responsible for the liabilities of a limited liability company. The number of the private property of the shareholders, not the essence. The company is registered, use the prefix "company", "limited", and closings. With the exception of the commercial banks to use the term "........". There are two types of limited companies. 1. the private limited company (Private Limited Company) is a company established by law and Commerce (paphop) focus section 1096, there was to be no less than 7 people.2. public company (Public Limited Company) is a company established public limited company Act b.e. 2535 has begun to establish the company no less than 15 people, and must be reserved at least 5% of the shares of the combined registered capital of each holding no more than 10% of the shares are registered and set up with the purpose of offering of shares per dash.
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