Myanmar (Burma)
precautions in visiting Myanmar
- For 2535 (1992) Myanmar authorities have opened the country to welcome tourists. By the Burmese Embassy visa must do so before going to the country and published in 2009.2539 (1996)-2540 (1997) Myanmar tourism year (Visit Myanmar Year) divided into 3 cities culture is
1.Lingerie: good girl, opposite the Hong XI zamani Bagan Mandalay Inle Lake Taunggyi travel can be reached. Ready for bed 2 food and
vehicles.Leading off: Kengtung Arakan stove coverings in each major area of Myeik, Burma mong. Phra chai XI, competitive policy with a great deal of travel to the entity, but the facilities are not available, as should
3. frontier: TA KHI Lek opposite Mae Sai,Rai, myawaddy, opposite Mae Sot Tak province opposite Changshu: Serpent three pagodas pass Kanchanaburi province, two island opposite the port of Ranong province Saturday morning offers an offset Duong Province.Prachuap khiri Khan was able to walk from the Thai side of the border, but still cannot connect to the grilled shrimp or Mandalay because roads are not good, and security is not yet 100 percent, because there are also ethnic minorities live
. -Characteristics of tourism in Myanmar as a cultural tourism at relic worship Temple pagoda and reclining Buddha visited the Palace and Museum. Touch of art. The tradition and way of life of the people. Tours begin with a State-of-the-art light
Precautions for tourism in Myanmar are as follows:
1.Costume Every place of worship in Myanmar Do not wear shorts or short skirts. Women wear pants, including the need to remove Cap. Unplug the black glasses before they went with 2
.Shoes, everyone wants all types of shoes before going outside the fence from the monastery territory, socks. Stockings were banned. Want to walk barefoot, and ancient traditions is very strict
3.To take a photo of some of the videos are subject to fees. Some of the prohibited discharge Yangon Museum To fakklong it with the officials before they go
4.Some places may be prohibited from ladies into the County forbid such as banning gold closed up Lord Memorial University of Mandalay or hanging elements with a great deal of relics (chai Thi Yokohama)
5.Cash. In General, the Thai baht will not be exchanged with a local guide or tour operator. And if the rate of exchange for the Bank official. Slightly higher than that in Exchange for a tour company or big stores several times a
.Caution do not exchange with people who come to ask for exchanges because it may have been a fake. The amount canceled, and police arrested
6.There are various values of jewelry should stick to the minimum necessary, because it was difficult to tell the property accounts, immigration and customs officials to show that time is reached, the time traveling back from Burma. Because Myanmar's Customs will be deemed to be sold, with the people of Burma. It is also a burden to maintain, and lure eyes allure security flaws
7. medications should always be available and adequate, according to the duration of travel medicine and hygiene in Myanmar because of the medications the shortage and not modern 8
.Antiques (Antique) some categories is prohibited and brought out of the country should be careful before purchase and if the purchase receipt and license removed correctly from the store, as well as some types of jewellery items. If you are not sure. And expertise should omission
9. traffic system in Burma is set to align to the right lane driving as opposed to Thai. Therefore, from time to time across the street to see, carefully and well
10.Her Myanmar is a country ruled by a military Government, Socialist and a wealth of art and culture. Traditions and lifestyles of the people who love peace and seclusion, it is improper to ask for her.
• Capital: Naypyidaw city
largest cities Yangon: •: • languages: Burmese language. In addition to the Burmese language, the official language and the main language is Burmese in the country up to 18 other languages
• currency: chat
.• United Myanmar (Union of Myanmar) is a country in South-East Asia, where this country called Burma that Westerner until the year 1993. 2532 (1989) is renamed Burma Myanmar, a new name is approved by the United Nations, United States and United Kingdom, but some. This name change was not accepted. Today, many people use the term "Myanmar, which comes from the name of the country in the Burmese language, Myanma Naingngandaw, and nationals of Myanmar referred to the name of the country itself that Futaba Mick
There is geography: North Sumatera mountains bordering India and Myanmar, is a shot between
Western: Arakan Yoma mountains moderate length
North East: plateau of southern CHAN
: There are mountains dividing Thai Myanmar Tanintharyi
Central Plains: the Ayeyarwady River subdivisions
• Subdivisions of Myanmar into 7 States (states) and 7 counties (divisions), economic
.• Agriculture is the main occupation. Agriculture is the area of the Delta River and Ayeyarwady River reflecting tong rice, sugarcane, jute, the owner, and other tropical plants
.• Mining The central part has a petroleum. North East Miner Stone, zinc and tin mining Southeast
• Forestry with forestry in the North alone. Shine out SIM and Ayeyarwady River by lure into Yangon
developing industry procedures area: • bottom like Yangon
.Myanmar is a developing country. The average income per person is very low population of
.• Population approximately 52 million people. Myanmar has a population of many nationalities, thus a minority problem. There are 16 major ethnic Burmese Mon, Thai% 63% 5% 5% 3.5% Karen Rakhine Kachin. 3% 3% 1% Thai Shin
city • Burma was a British colony in the year 1993. 2429 and before the occurrence of World War 2 slightly. Japan has come to play a role in Southeast Asia by contacting their kata which khin is a young militant students. With Mr. Ong San More nationalist and leader of a student in the University of Yangon's Chief khin Ta guys understand that Japan will support the publication of ison phom.
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