M. Iqbal et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 39 (2014) 6 การแปล - M. Iqbal et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 39 (2014) 6 แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

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M. Iqbal et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 39 (2014) 640–654654
[166] Tamasauskas Justin, Poirier Michel, Zmeureanu Radu, Sunyé Roberto. Modeling and optimization of a solar assisted heat pump using ice slurry as a latent storage material. Sol Energy 2012;86(11):3316–25.
[167] Siddhartha, Sharma Naveen, Varun. A particle swarm optimization algorithm for optimization of thermal performance of a smooth flat plate solar air heater. Energy 2012;38(1):406–13.
[168] Li Huairui, Huang Weidong, Huang Farong, Hu Peng, Chen Zeshao. Optical analysis and optimization of parabolic dish solar concentrator with a cavity receiver. Sol Energy 2013;92:288–97.
[169] Muhammad-Sukki F, Ramirez-Iniguez R, McMeekin SG, Stewart BG, Clive B. Optimisation of concentrator in the solar photonic optoelectronic transformer: optical gain analysis. In: Proceedings of IET conference on renewable power generation (RPG); 2011.
[170] Huang Weidong, Huang Farong, Hu Peng, Chen Zeshao. Prediction and optimization of the performance of parabolic solar dish concentrator with sphere receiver using analytical function. Renew Energy 2013;53:18–26.
[171] Glavin ME, Hurley WG. Optimisation of a photovoltaic battery ultracapacitor hybrid energy storage system. Sol Energy 2012;86(10):3009–20.
[172] Najafi Hamidreza, Woodbury Keith A. Optimization of a cooling system based on Peltier effect for photovoltaic cells. Sol Energy 2013;91:152–60.
[173] Hin Jason Ng Cheng, Zmeureanu Radu. Optimization of a residential solar combisystem for minimum life cycle cost, energy use and exergy destroyed. Sol Energy 2014;100:102–13.
[174] Castillo-Cagigal M, Caamaño-Martín E, Matallanas E, Masa-Bote D, Gutiérrez A, Monasterio-Huelin F, Jiménez-Leube J. PV self-consumption optimization with storage and active DSM for the residential sector. Sol Energy 2011;85 (9):2011.
[175] Gang Liu, Rasul MG, Amanullah MTO, Khan MMK. Techno-economic simulation and optimization of residential grid-connected PV system for the Queensland climate. Renew Energy 2012;45:146–55.
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M. Iqbal et al. / Hernubare en Volhoubare Energie Resensies 39 (2014) 640-654654.
[166] Tamasauskas Justin, Michel Poirier, Zmeureanu Radu, sunye Roberto. Modellering en optimalisering van 'n sonkrag bygestaan ​​hitte pomp met behulp van ijsslurrie as 'n latente stoor materiaal. Sol Energy 2012; 86 (11):. 3316-25
[167] Siddhartha, Naveen Sharma, Varun. 'N deeltjie swerm optimeringsalgoritme vir die optimalisering van 'n warm prestasie van 'n gladde plat plaat sonkrag lug verwarmer. Energie 2012; 38 (1): 406-13.
[168] Li Huairui, Huang Weidong, Huang Farong, Hu Peng, Chen Zeshao. Optiese analise en optimalisering van paraboliese skottel son concentrator met 'n holte ontvanger. Sol Energy 2013; 92:. 288-97
[169] Mohammed-Sukki F, R Ramirez-Iniguez, SG McMeekin, BG Stewart, Clive B. Optimalisering van concentrator in die sonnestelsel photonic optiese transformator: optiese Kry analise. In: Verrigtinge van IET konferensie oor hernubare kragopwekking (RPG); Die 2011th.
[170] Huang Weidong, Huang Farong, Hu Peng, Chen Zeshao. Voorspelling en die optimalisering van die prestasie van paraboliese son gereg concentrator met bol ontvanger gebruik analitiese funksie. Hernu Energie in 2013, 53:. 18-26
[171] MY Glavin, WG Hurley. Optimalisering van 'n fotovoltaïese battery ultracapacitor baster energie stoor stelsel. Sol Energy 2012; 86 (10): van 3009 tot 20.
[172] Naja fi Hamidreza, Keith A. Woodbury optimalisering van 'n koel gebaseer op Peltier effek Stelsel vir fotovoltaïese selle. Sol Energy 2013; 91:. 152-60
[173] Jason Ng Cheng Hin, Zmeureanu Radu. Optimalisering van 'n residensiële sonkrag Combi vir minimum lewensiklus koste, energie gebruik en exergie vernietig. Sol Energy 2014, 100. 102-13
[174] Castillo-Cagigal M, Caamaño Martin E, Matallanas E, Masa-Bote D, Gutierrez A, Monasterio-Huelin F, Jimenez-Leube PV J. Optimization met Self-verbruik. stoor en aktiewe DSM vir die residensiële sektor. Sol Energy 2 011; 85 (9): 2011.
[175] Bende Liu, MG Rasul, Amanullah MTO, MMK Khan. Tegno-ekonomiese simulasie en optimalisering van residensiële rooster verbind PV stelsel vir die Queensland klimaat. Hernu Energie 2012; 45: 146-55.
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