Is it possible to work 70 hours a week? Yes! Some students do! Sometimes, it is very hard for students to deal with part-time job, school, long-term works, friends and family obligations. It is not always feasible to work all night on an essay that you hadn’t the time to work on. Unfortunately, some students take the easy way to settle the problem... they copy someone’s work and make it as their own. This is why I am asking this question:”What do you think the punishment should be if a student is caught plagiarizing?” Repression is not the right way to settle the problem of plagiarism. Of course, I am not in favor of plagiarism. But before punishing students, I think we should look at the origin of the problem. Why students are cheating? This is what I will explore in this text.
First of all, when you study at college or university, you need a lot of money. School fees and books are very costly and if you need an apartment, it is even more expensive. For example, according to the MEQ, it costs about 1668$ just to have the right to study in a university. Again from MEQ, for 2 years of Cégep and 3 years of university, students are in debt for an average of 21500$. So, unless you have rich parents, loans and bursaries from government are often insufficient to live. Consequently, students really need a part-time job. They simply don’t have the choice. Working 15 to 20 hours a week means that students have less time to dedicate to their school work… then they copy. To me, government should reduce school fees. It would reduce cheating.
Also, students do not always have the time to do their assignments. Sometimes, it is like that tutors co-ordinate assignments so that the due date is the same day. Even the most organized student can find himself sitting at the computer at 4am. Are these assignments really necessary? And it is worse when you have a job. Data from statistic Canada shows th...
Is it possible to work 70 hours a week? Yes! Some students do! Sometimes, it is very hard for students to deal with part-time job, school, long-term works, friends and family obligations. It is not always feasible to work all night on an essay that you hadn't the time to work on. Unfortunately, some students take the easy way to settle the problem... they copy someone's work and make it as their own. This is why I am asking this question:"What do you think the punishment should be if a student is caught plagiarizing?" Repression is not the right way to settle the problem of plagiarism. Of course, I am not in favor of plagiarism. But before punishing students, I think we should look at the origin of the problem. Why students are cheating? This is what I will explore in this text. First of all, when you study at college or university, you need a lot of money. School fees and books are very costly and if you need an apartment, it is even more expensive. For example, according to the MEQ, it costs about 1668$ just to have the right to study in a university. Again from MEQ, for 2 years of Cégep and 3 years of university, students are in debt for an average of 21500$. So, unless you have rich parents, loans and bursaries from government are often insufficient to live. Consequently, students really need a part-time job. They simply don't have the choice. Working 15 to 20 hours a week means that students have less time to dedicate to their school work... then they copy. To me, government should reduce school fees. It would reduce cheating. Also, students do not always have the time to do their assignments. Sometimes, it is like that tutors co-ordinate assignments so that the due date is the same day. Even the most organized student can find himself sitting at the computer at 4am. Are these assignments really necessary? And it is worse when you have a job. Data from statistic Canada shows th...
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Is it possible to work 70 hours a week? Yes! Some students do! Sometimes, it is very hard for students to deal with part-time job, school, long-term works, friends and family obligations. It is not always feasible to work all night on an essay that you had not the time to work on. Unfortunately, some students take the easy way to settle the problem ... they copy someone's work and make it as their own. This is why I am asking this question: "What do you think the punishment should be if a student is caught plagiarizing?" Repression is not the right way to settle the problem of plagiarism. Of course, I am not in favor of plagiarism. But before punishing students, I think we should look at the origin of the problem. Why students are cheating? This is what I Will explore in this text. First of all, when at College or University Study You, You Need a Lot of Money. School fees and books are very costly and if you need an apartment, it is even more expensive. For example, according to the MEQ, it costs about 1668 $ just to have the right to study in a university. Again from MEQ, for 2 years of Cégep and 3 years of university, students are in debt for an average of 21500 $. So, unless you have rich parents, loans and bursaries from government are often insufficient to live. Consequently, students really need a part-time job. They simply do not have the choice. Working 15 to 20 hours a week means that students have less time to dedicate to their school work ... then they copy. To me, government should reduce school fees. It would Reduce Cheating. Also, students do not always have the time to do their assignments. Sometimes, it is like that tutors co-ordinate assignments so that the due date is the same day. Even the most organized student can find himself sitting at the computer at 4am. Are these assignments really necessary? And it is worse when you have a job. Data from statistic Canada shows th ...
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