Together against the dissolution of the partyBy Sept. 22, 2015 6: Thailand State Edition 15. 4, 393 times Pachop with the same article, to Thailand to play the eye-mob to usurp the UN!"Big usurp" mode until the fever, but the head of the table sat the big farewell khrok said. Their hands do not remove feet thrust paddle paradise the water weighed the "victory-Anand," who's perfect audience 2010 pot. Send the name of the former 100 sapot. People, most sitting Prime Minister Council of opposition political parties khluean crowd-driven model "Vishnu"."Surin" clear alarm, wireless port, card-pachop results, "the woman question" is set to something brilliant CD all the time in order to not waste the opportunity to overlook Thailand join sapot. "Marc", point danger to create an ad hoc party to thrust the child before the law was written rathon. Transmission propagation, "kasit-desire" sapot. "Prayut." He told AI that cheering for the u.s. anti-"big Fort", "Thaksin" are thus waiting for the election. The party requesting the child to wait patiently for the latest flight into China, "prawit did not know" tan "rounded" square "document" making Council of Ministers permanent seating comfort the Office of the Prime Minister.After Gen. Prayut Chan fare. The Prime Minister and the leader of the khasot. Underscore must be a list of people that would be a constitutional drafting Committee (Dec), and powered to the reform Council (sapot) prior to the meeting of the United Nations Mr. Abhisit Wetchachiwa recent leader of the Democrat party 2 party members, a list of names submitted to the Prime Minister, to sapot.The head table seating for "big usurp" farewell big government.13.30 p.m. Sept. 21 at the time, Government House. Gen. Prayut Chan fare. The Prime Minister and head of the Board of the national preserve (khasot.) is the Chairperson of the meeting of the head of Government, Ministry or equivalent level. 5 times then Prayut พล.อ. interview that is believed to be the last day to meet with officials, 18 people at retirement by rotation 60 years, including civil servants who are the Ministers who resigned before they were 3 as requested by all willing to remove the younger. For many people, it's a chance to work together, thanks to everyone who came along to share the work. There's nothing gloomy mind everybody understand the frustration. For work in the new period, people are preparing what to do next after Oct. 1., what, though, is to share the same thukkrathonwong integrated and jointly led the major parties to come and spend the budget, worth. The work requires planning, consistency by quarter. To take the money out and spend this past may, has been tagged as a problem? Now prepare to advance to more quickly. Their hands do not remove feet thrust paddle paradise the water.Prayut พล.อ. discusses the progress of the Nominating Committee, Constitution (Dec) that the Joint Council of Ministers, and khasot. Sept. 22 probably is not yet a comprehensive list Chairman. Levi's workers. Also no one has come back to report to their nominating list. Tell them that after the return from the Conference, United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), the United States will sign a command named. During this time to discuss, to find the appropriate people. People need to understand how important a country to go to Thailand. Its not a magic that will make it all ended quickly. Is that we are all people, and people who come into the rest of the Organization, no Dec, data transmission, but if it doesn't come, then go against? It's the same as them not remove feet water paradise pie. There is no way to send a message not sent forward caught the mistake, this country it belongs to a non-citizen, or anyone else.Weighing the "victory-Anand," who is more suitable.When asked if the news flow has been tapped to Mr. Michai ruchuchai breed of khasot. and Mr. Anan Panyanchun Member, former Prime Minister, arrived to sit as President of the Levi's workers. Prayut พล.อ. said it considered all Remove the name entered was already discuss who the most suitable. Speak with him to see that they are there to talk to each other.Home sick as flu languishingJournalists reported that it is worth noting that พล.อ. prayut, 15 minutes before the interview up office buildings, a pair of blue with color duties Thailand languishing. The reporters, so inquire today to see what a phlia is? พล.อ. replied that the discomfort is fever prayut is cold. However, a week ago. The Prime Minister has continued almost daily, pathoktha and pathoktha each time it is not less than 1 hour.The military did not "prawit" instant expert, but shooting.The Ministry of defence. Gen. Prawit Wongsuwan Deputy Prime Minister and defence discussed the case of รมว. political parties can't agree with the idea of Mr. Vishnu beauty network. Deputy Prime Minister to act to the Constitution, political parties must be registered all the new non-lawyers do not know that khasot and Council of Ministers have not been meeting. Are GON, 2010 before which also do not know anyone? The news that there is a candidate to join a Council of reform-driven (sapot.) up to 20000 people, it has not yet seen a list of tattoo people. To wait for Gen. Prayut Chan discussed cooperation with the fare before that to anyone else. Everything is in proportion, according to the Prime Minister already defined. When asked if there is concern that the proportion of soldiers, too. พล.อ. prawit said. There are several aspects of knowledge, both military and economic, social, and not just a gun has the ability to capture or shooting and also graduated master degree of Ph.d.NIA. throw rocks as those drafted rathon.ด้าน นายพีระศักดิ์ พอจิต รองประธานสภานิติบัญญัติแห่งชาติ (สนช.) กล่าวว่า ยังไม่มีข้อสรุปว่า สนช.จะให้ใครเป็นตัวแทนไปร่วมเป็น กรธ.บ้าง มีแค่การหารือนอกรอบเป็นการภายในเท่านั้น ส่วนการแก้ไขเพิ่มเติมร่างรัฐธรรมนูญฉบับชั่วคราว 2557 น่าจะแน่นอนแล้วว่าต้องแก้ไขเรื่องการทำประชามติ รวมทั้งหากกรณีร่างรัฐธรรมนูญไม่ผ่านการทำประชามติ จะดำเนินการอย่างไรต่อไป จะให้หยิบร่างรัฐธรรมนูญฉบับไหนมาปรับใช้ ส่วนตัวเห็นว่าหากการทำประชามติไม่ผ่าน ควรให้ สนช.ในฐานะฝ่ายนิติบัญญัติที่มีความพร้อม เต็มไปด้วยบุคคลที่มีความรู้ความสามารถ ทำหน้าที่ร่างรัฐธรรมนูญให้แล้วเสร็จภายใน 90 วัน ส่วนแนวทางการร่นโรดแม็ปให้สั้นลงนั้น คิดว่าไม่จำเป็นต้องแก้ไขรัฐธรรมนูญชั่วคราว เนื่องจากบทบัญญัติกำหนดว่าให้ กรธ.ร่างให้เสร็จภายใน 180 วัน หมายความว่า กรธ.สามารถดำเนินการแล้วเสร็จก่อน 6 เดือนได้Send the name of former Prime Minister 100 sapot.Journalists report the progress to the qualifying member driven reform Council (sapot.) The number of 200 people that in the quota request.
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