The Jurassic era end when Rod 144 million years ago, and the world into the era of the eye order creation. Northern and southern supercontinent had separated from nearby together with various continents in the current era. Cowhide split by continent, as a result, the weather is even more moisture, because the wind can blow moisture from the sea into the land more. Cause a new type of vegetation evolution like certain kinds of trees and shrubs that are similar to the recent era, making landfall in this era, the Earth is covered with rain forests and vast grasslands, filled with short shrub is also the era of the world flowers appear as the first.Flowers help plants propagated more efficiently. Make new plants, spread rapidly and become a major source of food in the age of dinosaurs by this group has dinosaurs evolved af chachia Foundation employees and there are many species and spread throughout the world. The expansion of the population of herbivores, as a result, carnivore has increased with expansion. Several types of prey have evolved larger than the predators of the Jurassic era and one of the best known predator of this era is the Tyrannosaurus Rex Dino run Tai appeared during the last five years of the medieval order eye Creek. Asian eyes creep era knuckle as most of the dinosaur era, fue ngafu, because there are many dinosaurs are all over the continent, maikrachai. Many types have evolved looks bizarre. Different types of dinosaurs, adaptation, and lives in an era when Asian eyes sotwop Creek until 65 million years ago. They are entirely extinct. Scientists have tried to find the cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs, and they have several explanations about this event since the epidemic to climate change. The propagation of mammals that eat the eggs and the soft bite of the dinosaurs but they accepted the explanation most commonly is to fling smash into Earth's Galactic giant bat that appears to traces is on peninsula Yucatan tons.And the fall of the age of dinosaurs is exerted lasting more than 165 million years ....
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