As a hybrid between gibbon with stud breeder pillow look effect is round "full pool" stem ผลยาว 7.79 cm, fruit weight 2.20 kg. Bark thickness 1.47 cm, flesh thickness 0.75 cm, weight per fruit weight percentage of meat was 20.15 percent percent เมล็ดลีบ 42.30 percent. When he 4) fruit set percentage caught a week after flowering is 4.69% (average 3 years) better varieties were 79 gibbon age เก็บเกี่ยว 103.86 days, which is longer than the พันธุ์กระดุม gold 6 percent.52 outstanding characteristics is also beautiful colour yellow "(Y) 11A - Y) 13C) under the good taste as sweet The meat smell pretty detailed as very light meat maintained long, and after the leech off or fall เปอร์เซ็นต์ blighted seed high
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