Hong Kong-Hong Kong (English:; China: xiang gang) is the official name that Hong Kong Hong Kong caring People's Republic of China (English: Special Administrative Region of the People Republic of China; Zhong hua ren min gong: China he guo xiang xing zheng qu gang te bie) is an autonomous southern coast of China. In geography there is a triangular mouth of Zhujiang River and the South China Sea, surrounded around. Hong Kong, known as the skyline (skyline), deep natural port. 1104 km 2 and has population of over seven million people, a population that is living one of the most crowded districts in the world. The population of Hong Kong is a Chinese national and a 93.6% 6.4% come from other groups. The majority of the population speak Cantonese of Hong Kong from Guangdong Province, where the bulk of the population to flee the war and Communist regime in mainland China since the last decades 1930 to 1 nationals of Hong Kong have been protesting the elections according to the regime to t-men thip tai.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..