The proportion of the elderly population group More likely, respectively, it is certainly significant to the development of economic and social planning in the future. At the same time. Changes to the population in such a way, there are also results in countries in the Asian region. B. concerned that will continue to deal with such situations, more efficient one? This is due to the fact that at present, many countries in Asia. Not interested in the subject of annexation policy of elderly care in the future, into the improvement plan, but because the rate of change in the age structure of the population of the countries in Asia are very different. It is necessary to give attention and encourage those involved in the process, awareness has changed the population in such a way that there will be more elderly population and the effects arising from changes in the working age group to affect the economy and สังค.M, as well as to push to drop Vang in advance to prepare for dealing with the aging society, because currently it appears that in many countries of the Asian region, rate of population decline, which means that these countries have reduced both the birth rate and.Although the death rate is the speed at which the rate of population increase decrease remain on different levels, it is the data from multiple sources. Shows that in the past from time to time. Many countries in the Asian region, rate of reproductive control, reduced, and when there is a reduction in reproductive condition quickly and then resulted in tremendous change in the population's age structure is that each year there will be fewer child, while the elderly population will rise due to the higher birth rate when in the past, and the elderly population has an average age of longevity.
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