What type of fuel and oil quality
Fuel product derived from petroleum refining process. There are many kinds can be widely utilized. direct and indirect. The quality of the fuel has been developed continuously at all times. As I mentioned fuel quality. 2 types that are familiar and widely popular is the gasoline and diesel oil
Gasoline gasoline (virtue and to examine 2544 (2001). candle: 132-149) is a gasoline additive derived from the quality of the products obtained from distillation of oil and natural gas extraction may be from gas, liquid or solution notronmachati Lee. Gasoline is blended add quality to suit your usage. Antioxidant combination with air. Chemicals for preventing corrosion protection corrosion in the fuel tank, and drain the oil, as well as chemicals that help clean the carburetor so it is suitable to be used with vehicles such as cars, motorcycles. Like water pump A small light spinning
For the countries currently using the Thai gasoline engines in general are divided into 3 types: 1
. Regular gasoline (Regular gasoline) are given out at a lower quantity of lead additives 83 namai may not exceed 0.15 grams per liter Should be applied to engines with compression ratio (Compression ratio) lower than 8: 1 older cars. Small engine, motorcycle, lawn mower etc.
2. Premium gasoline (Premium gasoline) are given out at a lower quantity of lead additives 95 namai may not exceed 0.15 grams per litre. Should be applied to the engine with a compression ratio of approximately 8: 1 or more, such as cars, trucks, small. Motorcycles, etc.
3. unleaded gasoline (Unleaded gasoline) has given out more than 95 compounds and lead toward namai quantity not exceeding 0.13 grams per liter The oil is pouring out up to collect pumpkins to release the oil, pouring out from natam molecular structure changes to a pouring either. Should be applied to the engine with a compression ratio of approximately 8:1 or more, as well as a special type of gasoline, but it should be a new version of the engine that is designed to use a special type of metal to make shoulder valve. (Seat Value) of the engine because of lead additives to reduce wear of the valve shoulder. Engine install exhaust purifiers (Catalytic converter), it must use unleaded gasoline only. Because if the contaminated gasoline will cause the exhaust filtration system does not work
Using gasoline pouring out valuable natam will make the engine loses power. Birth of the chain (Knock) make the engine wear faster. A shorter lifetime. Using gasoline that contains the value of the It does not benefit the engine too much. Waste expenses increase because the price of gasoline at a price slightly higher than either pour the precious. Like the fire, the light, the heat engine and are not recommended because they will be more than. Best color in oil is not an increase the quality of the oil, but oil color indicate the same meat. Which do not have a fixed rule of each country, such as Thai International have changed the color of gasoline because it always has been adulterated. Chue ngakamnot. the Government provided a special kind of gasoline is a transparent yellow. Parts kerosene, blue gasoline fuel products which are used very widely. Is the fuel that is volatile and flammable, so keep it in a safe place, away from heat and sparks? Strong oxidants such as chlorine, should avoid using gasoline as an aqueous solution. To clean, because of the highly flammable gasoline vapors. Can be easily ignited combustible if it is a little flame? It will cause symptoms, Dizzy head, and senseless. Avoid using oil-sucking mouth as little gasoline can do serious harm to the lungs. A touch for a long time as direct gasoline And may cause chronic skin disease but if it is necessary to contact with gasoline. After finishing the job should get cleaned with SOAP and water to clean. To clean the device or parts of the engine. The solution should not harm the body, such as cleaning products that use clear, specific. If unavoidable, or there is no such product. Use kerosene or gasoline, specifically solar is a safer fire. Is the exhaust gases from the engine, such as carbon dioxide and lead compounds that are mixed with the exhaust in the form of different gases and therefore should not be installed in the engine room or building that does not have a good ventilation system. Because of the toxic gases from the exhaust may leak into.
Characteristics and quality of gasoline
1. The Thane design
The value property refers to the ten out of the fuel that represents the ability to resist the ignition before the time limit for gasoline engines. Due to the increase in temperature inside the air mixture of the fuel that is being compressed by the flame wave. Before the burning process will end within the bore of the engine to noktham,
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