Turbot (S. maximus) larvae (1 day post hatch) were obtained
from Stolt Sea Farm Norway and reared in the facilities of GEOMAR
Kiel, Germany. From the start of the experiment larvae were kept in
six green 75 L-tanks filled with filtered 30 L North Sea water (5 mm,
UV-treated, 30 ± 1 PSU). The temperature was kept constant at
18 ± 1 C and from 6 days post hatch (dph) the salinity was reduced
stepwise to attain 17 ± 1 PSU at 20 dph by mixing with filtered
Baltic Sea water. Larvae were kept in densities of approx. 40 larvae/L
and greenwater technology (i.e. addition of Nannochloropsis spp.)
was used in all tanks. 50% of the water was exchanged once a day
with 5 mm-filtered, UV treated mix of North Sea and Baltic Sea water
prior to feeding.