Charles Darwin (Charles Robert Darwin)
12 born February. 1809 city Shrubbery England
died 19 April 1882 town. Shrophire England
.As the British naturalist who study the story of the natural environment and everything near humans and is a pioneer in the journey around the world to explore the ecological Prove that humans from apes.But there are other confirmed that guava Humans evolved from animals and plants become bodies to be human. Animals with human characteristics nearby was the most monkeys, chimpanzees, no tail, but the face posture.Such a happy and sad love or angry. This is the result that he went to explore the human and animals around the world for more than 6 years
.Darwin. The father was a physician named Robert Warwick, Darwin, a very famous one of England. And his father wanted him to be a doctor at the age of 16 years father sent to studying medicine at Edinburgh.But if you talk about the nature, such as the nature of the bird, he would concentrate all the time. When his father know that he doesn't want to study medicine. Sent him to study at the University of Cambridge bridge. He graduated at the age of 19 years.Among the studied in that he is interested in reading the scientific nature of German. Is interested in the living conditions of humans, animals and plants, as well as the birth and history as well
.After graduation with the government sent out exploring the world the naturalist Charles Darwin. 23 and departure for more than 5 years. Boat trip to South America around the Pacific are pointed out to Sumatra.During the trip he met people, animals and plants of many kinds. He drawing and samples back to England. Until he believes the evidence that animals and plants originated from the same source, and an evolution from a monkey!
works important discovery of Charles Darwin (Charles Robert Darwin)
- to prove that humans from apes
- wrote a Book The Original. Of Species
- The Decent of Man
- Book surveying worldwide name A Naturalist 's Voyage Around World. Etc.
.- the theory of evolution.
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