.One day his uncle out of the plough. Which is away from the ban went too far. The aunt's house chores. As he watched her do busy in the kitchen. พ่อจอม dodging the idea.He was in a hurry to sneak out of the house to run the field you are plowed in
."Uncle, uncle," he called you when he ran to the Na
. "Go home now, hurry up. I fell down the stairs down a bloody head." I don't know how to do!You leap suddenly go home immediately without a word. But พ่อจอม lie back, running along the shortcut cut to the house before I'll reach, he ran ran into the house shout!"Aunt aunt, uncle was kykuit at field. Looks like Gore took pregnant right through. Go quickly, otherwise you will die "
.He said without end. I raced out of the house. He looked after you laugh grin fun happy is. And go into hiding behind
.I run, run as fast as the legs will bring you to the movement. Yet like I still didn't mind and turn a street corner. I smash him with one of her husband's asthma. PSS much sweat the body."Liar that again". Both of them knew was bogus tricks your grandson in again. The aunt and uncle at Calvary big
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