An interesting krang ". God's Temple of Red bamboo. Those who occupy a religious slumber naphet in the shade, but it still remains a thing called lust, because wangwon has not lifted from that flurry in Lo Kee ... While on the other side, it's good practice. Practice like it is the source of sound in the East, the new dash design ideas, virtual terminals, 2-pole at the opposite response in the mind of a single person. Others did not know in advance. With a villager with a culture bound closely together. So interesting to others nalak shelter backpacks in the world and the wisdom and teachings. Specific problems in several events. Naughty Kamjorn kwaen later. Old friends from young's interesting krang When kwaen failed to become the life from the capital city, but he has a friend who helps the system to blame society to the system rather than blame themselves sakdina is a book all to chant Communist uprising, which makes him a foreign ideology on the pole, he will not understand thue.Ngokwam the actual size of the forgotten sense of compression to responsible for the good and the reality of their lives, but it finally. Free sample, they bump into surrender love Engagement and the good of the people, the people of the Red bamboo with him exclusively. Interesting people And his anointing of subdistrict Chief he anointed kamnan section. Old man Conservative leader. Who compared those old people with canes and red of Community responsibility, and a sense of commitment to their children at home as her own sons. But it has suffered from a set of kwaen residents are habitually last. An interesting fight with krang Communist good whole called Buddhism until Communist officials that this was a patient, but I have a new enemy is capitalism, who was grabbing the lust overwhelming.
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