Results of the study. I found that the problem and the smog caused by forest fire activity is primarily human, such as the burning of materials from agriculture. To keep the contents of the PA, such as vegetables, sweet, puffball, etc. In the dry season every year, on the part of northern areas experiencing pollution smog because of fuel supply is likely to increase as the population increases. Invading agricultural and forest areas to make use of the space to make way for agriculture. Over time and as a result, smog that occurs affects the health of the people. For wildfire control and solve problems in the area of Northern smog on the Thailand Government of the country. Local private and tried to fix the problem that caused smog and fire up continuously, but did not succeed. Because of the restrictions, the number of personnel. Job description and task duration that is not consistent. At present the Ministry of resources. Nature and the environment is a primary host integration in cooperation with the relevant authorities. Which operations to solve problems and smog as a wildfire that has both a central agency. Regional and local-level coordination to work continuously. For dealing with wildfire and smog areas of northern Thailand, integrated country, researchers have taken the senokrabuan integrated functionality is consistent. A continuation of the job description and duration of operation called the model for dealing with wildfire smoke and fog, integrated (Integrated Forest Fire and Haze Management: IFHM Model), which includes public relations. Wildfire Prevention and smog Fuel management. To participate in the problem solving wildfire and forest fire management applied problems and smog in wildfire area, North of the country continue to Thailand.
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