As a professional military.Today. If anyone speaks the word military. The first thing we think of is a military occupation. When I think back to where I was before the kids before I will come until soldiers as well as cadets and graduates receive official word that the military occupation is a word that we rarely have to say much to each other that's rarely mentioned each other too much. Do not use the ROR P C Officer school. Not to teach or give priority to becoming a military career, but it is because we all have a feeling that only a military occupation that is beef, or as part of the same that we have military service careers. But when the time came for many years past, the term military career with the military means to separate out the cups. Until now, there's a career military man who says it is not a professional army. everyone and still have the word mafia soldiers. The military business heads the queue The military said soldiers guard Bo etc on it more. I believe that many of you may be wondering what the other word military should mean? However, we will evaluate whether the soldier's military career. The soldier is the army, mafia or the soldier is just a man dressed a baebothan. I used to chat with friends who are both military and non-military personnel, they often have different answers. Some questions that I had to ask a friend that."The military wants it," he said."The first thing I need is another until then that if a military career until he was genuine." This is one of my friends answer answer I came is the answer makes me think that the people in question are based on the fact that people respond to my friends because when we look at pictures of soldiers alone, we will see how he is empty or until the first. If the soldier had until we are admiring, but if we see a soldier anywhere as rich, we will have a sense of doubt that the soldier to do comes to the rich. The rich story is inevitable. My friend is someone. As cadets driving a Porsche sports car, or someone ben. "Now he is a student. He would have been branded as non-professional soldiers from the cadets in that way or, there are also some people that have as common but I drop over pressure to marry a girl who is as rich as the people who were there were elevated as well. I think he might not be wrong more. For people who are already rich as being socially condemned for these poor soldiers. Not a professional soldier, I discussed this subject came up, not because I have to pick up advertising from anyone, but wanted to give it a chance than rao. The soldiers he has as rich without any corruption. When it finally did, indicates that this soldier is a military occupation. The soldier is the only professional soldiers. With that, I would like to know whether it's the occupation forces must be. I have a duty to answer tracking how we will be known as the military professional because I personally would feel good. When people said I was a career soldier, but I if I can't meet anyone. The military, however, I would feel great to why right dude, I never used the original question to ask a friend one another that the military occupation is, how. The answer to that is. "People who don't do anything else. In addition to the common! " In my heart thought it well .... The friend replied, hitting well, but enough to think again that if one soldier. It takes nokratkan to a career that is in good faith to find money to support families. For this he became someone who was branded by some as career soldiers not to take nokratkan to driving a taxi, teach or write the article (as I am doing now) to become what they are today and were not a military career. Finally, I had to rely on textbooks because we probably will need if there is a reference to that idea. From the research I found that there are words that are related to the military occupation in the English vocabulary is used are two words. Is the Profession of Arms "which can be translated into the Thai language." the professionalism of the people who hold the weapon ", or it may be called a professional soldiers or military occupation, and the other one that Military Professionalism can be transcribed as the Thai military that. To become a career soldier, as the concept of a Westerner. Saemmuan p Han Ting Tan, a political science student whose name is mentioned in the audio book, The Theory and The Solider and State Politics: Relations Civil-Military of whether the concept of a military occupation, it must consist of 3 things: (1) expertise (Expertise) by Han Ting tons that the soldiers must have expertise both on the hypothesis is that the principle/concept framework and the operational military expertise in military operations according to the assigned duties and military occupation must have the ability to do that is in the standard level. (2) responsibility (Responsiveness) military occupation there must be responsibility in the given task. Regardless of the task or duty is based on the risk, or to bring life into exchanges. Corporate social responsibility is working with a delicate and skilled. Generally, compensation is not the intention. (3) cooperation and love amongst the Faculty of professional soldiers will be (Corporateness) cooperate with their own units, sincerely. Done with a commitment to using the full efforts of both body and mind. In addition to the elements that will need to be a professional soldier of Han Ting Tan, and handouts. Army command and general staff school (practical compound set..) and the role of the military career of Brig. Gen.. it bunyiam can rip Maan said that as the military refers to as someone with expertise in the military profession is ready to fully perform their duties and be responsible for their actions, or does not act. The military profession must also have a valid basis. In what was expected to have earned the trust of the people, "he said. In addition, phon ท. yiam merit was also divided into 4 occupation soldiers feature in the handout about "the role of ideology and military occupation" of the army command and general staff school, as follows: (1) there is a realization in the military. (2) cultivate ourselves, knowledge can be truly.
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