So kindly get back to me with the total cost of the item plus shipping and get back to me with your bank details for me to make the payment right away.
Account owner Name: Account Number: Bank Name: Country: Email : Total Cost with shipment cost:
So kindly get back to me with the total cost of the item plus shipping and get back to me with your bank details for me to make the payment right away.Account owner Name:Account Number:Bank Name:Country:Email :Total Cost with shipment cost: Thanks.
So kindly Get Back to Me with the total cost of the item plus shipping and Get Back to Me with your Bank Details for Me to Make the Payment Right Away. Account owner Name: Account Number: Bank Name: Country: Email: Total Cost with. shipment cost: Thanks.
So kindly get back to me with the total cost of the item plus shipping and get back to me with your bank details for me. To make the payment right away.