The preparation may be prepared for land planted with a lift-up groove groove featuring storybook China has grown in ordinary or by the conversion of the plowed, sprinkle some parsley in a row is a shallow root vegetables.General dug or plowed up by deep around 15 - 20 cm apart to expose the land 5 - 7 days to kill germs and weeds, and then tied around the sub soil, breaking into small cubes or manure Biofertilisers, blended into the land, and the land, always
Preparing seeds coriander seed production plant with a seed, so be prepared before planting seeds, with the result that the mill is a two piece, breaking and soak into water for about 2 - 3 hours
How to plant before planting watering must be converted to a prepared seed, sow it on growing plots were prepared for a jingle with thin soil, and then mingled with fine dry grass or straw, with one another.Or it can be planted in a row using the scatter plots on each row, away from each other. 20 - 30 cm apart, and then make the remaining distance between the beginning of withdrawal for about 10 - 20 cm after sow must be completed, and then watering to wet
The seed rate is approximately 20 liters per Rai of the seeds will be more or less than this depending on the fertility of the soil and seasonal percentage of seed sprouts.Because parsley, growth is good, and can be very
escape death.
The water, parsley, a lot more water to vegetables, but not like water, so it should keep the water regularly once a day 2 times morning and evening, do not water too much because it was drenched with parsley, if the person is very often suffer easy-to-water or rainUsing your hands to do not let weeds threaten because the scramble for food and water from parsley,
insert fertilizer manure should be put in the background when preparing soil before planting coriander leaves, and if it was used to accelerate speed to beauty of ammonia fertilizer, barium sulfate (21 - 0 - 0) for approximately 15 - 30 grams coconut water spray in 1 conversion, throughout
In the fertiliser parsley, put together with the practice, many different ways in different regions, but the results, Spring is a good use of Biofertilisers, farmers can produce manure or parsley, up to 1,300 - 1,900 kg per Rai and the most important is coriander root vegetables or take advantage of the withdrawal, so, in the coming of the earth will be required to complete the land planted with roots. So I must be somewhat crumblingIf Parsley Root, a beautiful tree, will make it more weight with
disease and insect disease that may be found in parsley, rotten diseases such as the leaves and the root of the beginning of the protection against removal of pesticide use by the manual, such as the processor, the M. 45 in disease rates in accordance with the instructions on the label and the fire protection disposal of pesticide use, such as the knife, เน็บ instead M.Processor manual chapter, Kapsabet, i.e. Benzene such as King at the rate in accordance with the instructions on the label
parsley, insects are often out noise, but sometimes found an aphid to destroy removal can be protected by using formed, such as Joseph to be destroyed,Fans คาร์โบซัล พอสซ์ rate in accordance with the instructions on the label such as water sprays evenly if necessary
Parsley, will begin to harvest when aged about 30 - 45 days as parsley, consumption should be able to use all of the harvest by hand on both the beginning of the withdrawal with no roots and lack ofWhen you are done, remove them to clear the land decorated with yellow leaves a free throw, and then solicitor per kilogram to dry, and the packaging for a parsley, not the mushy rotten while Water Transport due too soft.The pattern is not a disease or a fire is very white root root length and not lack of
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