The tradition of merit and open sky, Maha Sarakham
."The tradition of merit and open sky during the day 3 night the moon 3 after the harvest of the northeast for land do eat. By the use of manure from animal manure, returned to the earth fertility again.The sky is crying. When มาทิ professor to predict any abundance in that, according to the traditional beliefs. "
.The use of the ground for a long time during the cultivation of the abundance of the ground has vanished when the harvest. The grain growing until gold was what nature has given.By restoring element, return the food in return. The symptoms that is fertilizer that month 3 months wonders of the East. In addition to a month abundance and a month rainy season began, which is thunder.After dinner, month 3. When the thunder from any direction will signal the abundance ของฝนใน years cuisine. Such a prediction precision and recording the prophecy is the poem as evidence, the name that "so funny rain."B.Prof.๒๕๒๘ villagers carrying District minutes. Chiang Yuen.The villagers had a tradition of this time. The annual festival of Maha Sarakham Province, and become The big over a period of 7 days 7 nights when due the villagers to carry manure to put into a paddy field.Set up tribute liquor jars, boiled chicken, sweet bananas, sugar cane, the traditional ritual Which is a tradition completely. The way of life and the Northeast truly
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