(Defining Problems), the first step is to identify what issues first. The company will have to set the issue may be divided by characteristics according to the structure of the company or by the nature of the marketing mix (the Marketing Mix) when the problem can be broken down according to the various sections, then he will surely solve the problem correctly and match point.A nonprofit organization markets the work it does or the cause it supports, instead of a product or service. The purpose of marketing is to build awareness of an issue and to gain financial support from the public for its cause. The "customer" gives his money to the organization in exchange for the opportunity to contribute towards its philanthropic work. As with for profit marketing, the result is that the corporation keeps the funds, while the individual retains the knowledge that the organization uses his money to make a difference for its cause.Marketing your nonprofit "that refers to the analysis, planning, operating and control projects or activities which have to be carefully designed to convince solicit participation in voluntary activities, which is the exchange value of the market, in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization.
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