Fish catfish
.Food, regardless of any living creature. All need food for existence together. When the catfish fry hatch out as the Duke will take food from the yolk sac, which stuck. The front abdomen fry about 1 - 2 days.That is a sign that the food stick catfish fry born has consumptive and necessary require finding food from the environment. In this period, raising fry catfish need food for growth.Such as egg yolk, cooked red mite or food mix and it came to pass, when fish grows to release into the บ่อเลี้ยง. Food to the fish duck chop finely crushed, mixed with dance. Or pellet diet floating until can catch catfish sell
.In nature, fry catfish, eat some protozoa, rotifers, small water and phytoplankton, catfish with grow up to eat a meal of larvae of insects. Baby shrimp, crabs, worms, and organic chemicals in the mud.Food pellets or floats. Containing foods, rice bran, bean dregs, fish meal, etc.!
.Catfish eat both plants and animals (Omnivorous) have a habit of food to eat in the daytime on the floor bottom. And will eat the surface water is up, while in this species is sometimes considered the Scavengers becauseCatfish have the habit of eating of meat, rather than foods plant or food, some flour
.Food from different countries. Both are naturally. Both mix to eat by do it with nutrients. Which needs to complete as catfish, catfish catfish and grow well.
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