Tambon Nong khaman.3. Ban non rawiang,History of the village non rawiang,Ban non rawiang located in T. Nong khaman, the อ.คูเมือง, buriram Province, non rawiang is a large village villagers migrated from Nakhon Ratchasima. For the settlers about 140 last year. The above are not many hardwood forest After the villagers to live. Have sarcasm to the housing and soaking in a wooded area. The isan language called "mound" ban non rawiang, named after the study area. The word "non" means a plateau terrain, the word "rawiang" from Khmer, named trees species of spiny stem each result. Can be used to ferment water shampoo, so named village, non rawiang, this community has a unique way of life, language use is tax weave. ภาษาไทยโคราช and Khmer some main occupation is farming. The occupation is hired, weaving, and woven mats than some.4 ban Hua Nong.Home record head pus.Home Hua Nong founded the founders moved out of the house 2510 village Dong Keng T. the school big GI as with damp and satuk success. Is a village and a and later moved from T. pommel. In T. PA khiap. In 2500 adult Fort bear part is a village. Don't have long felt T. PA khiap too big, it turns into house district raft. Later, house district administrative platform not thoroughly. In the founding new district is t. Nong khaman, recently had a father and son, according to the color รัมย์และ relatives have moved out in the non heads home pus. In the founding village. The name and choose new village new village The first name of the village is home late respond. But the villagers thought inappropriate. The house head pus. Because the central village is the large, is known as Home Hua Nong, until now.6. Elevation light.History of the village cattle light.Ban Khok light away from the อ.คูเมือง 3 km of roads RAM - phutthaisong in village about 500 meters. There are two paths can be in the village. All the villagers are Buddhist, the simple life, most were farmers.Village.
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