5. To prevent thrombosis blood vessels. And the track side effects after receiving drugs, such as bleeding, according to various organs of platelets ต่ำกว่าปกติ. To make the nurses to help patients in time
.To prevent thrombosis blood vessels. And the blackness as side effects after receiving drugs such as stomach irritation may have a nosebleed blood clotting slow, tinnitus, dizziness, there is an imbalance Book acid. Alkaline, and shortness of breath.
7. To prevent thrombosis and track side effects, medication, such as bleeding in the digestive system, low etc.
.In order to reduce the fat and cholesterol in the blood to prevent blockage of the blood vessels. And the track side effects after treatment, such as headaches, dizziness, fatigue, strain of La, the heart beats
. Evaluation
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