In the year B.E.2534 - 2535 trial. It appears that came out of a frog, and breed well and there is so many customers want to have neighbors that have turned to gather interesting frog feast made a group of more than 10 cases on the first floor and a frog breeding sales3,000, and sold by a small frog and represents an
a harpoon หมกฮ processingLater, when there are large quantities of it. Try to make "หมกฮ Muak Lek" or to cover a ball represents an knife sales by making it just a folk in the first 40 - 50 immersion only. Try to sell it to meander หมกฮ order popular to eat until it was almost too long, very deeply, sold at a 20 - 30 Baht.nocturnal is not easy because it is hard to find a plane to be with the idea that this trial happy to meander curried fish wrapped in banana leaves and steamed
good sales revenue.She said that favorable fishing nets and a frog, it will selectively can be sold each year thousands Baht but when he turned to หมกฮ privatization sales of bamboo make it possible to create good income will be wrapped with a current "หมกฮ Muak Lek" sold out every day limited to 50 - 82 per day to cover enough time because there weren'tCustomers who want to eat if you need to order before because it is not within walking distance to order sales sales, but as an average one day before it was in the 50 - 80 wrapped around 1,500 - 2,000 baht/day per year, on average, several hundred as well.
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