In the humanistic society today, the design for daily
product or various systems must be designed under the
consideration of human habits and convenience as well as
daily product. The motivation of this paper is the first to
propose a QR-code based one-time password
authentication protocol, which not only eliminates the
usage of the password verification table, but also is a cost
effective solution since most internet users already have
mobile phones. From the user’s vision, our approach
could be more convenient, because the burden of carrying
a separate hardware token or extra charges from the Short
Message Service can be removed. Thus, the contribution
is therefore obviously.
In the humanistic society today, the design for daily
product or various systems must be designed under the
consideration of human habits and convenience as well as
daily product. The motivation of this paper is the first to
propose a QR-code based one-time password
authentication protocol, which not only eliminates the
usage of the password verification table, but also is a cost
effective solution since most internet users already have
mobile phones. From the user's vision, our approach
could be more convenient, because the burden of carrying
a separate hardware token or extra charges from the Short
Message Service can be removed. Thus, the contribution
is therefore obviously.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Today in The Humanistic Society, Design for The Daily.
product or must be Designed under The Various Systems.
consideration of Human Habits and Convenience As Well As.
Daily product. The motivation of this Paper is The First to.
Propose a QR-code based One-time Password.
authentication Protocol, which Not only eliminates The.
Usage of The Password Verification Table, but also is a Cost.
Effective Solution since Most internet users Already Have.
mobile phones. From The user's Vision, our Approach.
could be more Convenient, Because The burden of carrying.
token or extra charges from a separate Hardware The Short.
Message Service Can be removed. Thus, The contribution
is Therefore obviously.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

In the humanistic, society today the design for daily
product or various systems must be designed under the
consideration. Of human habits and convenience as well as
daily product. The motivation of this paper is the first to
propose a QR-code. Based one-time password
authentication protocol which not, only eliminates the
usage of the password, verification table. But also is a cost
.Effective solution since most Internet users already have
mobile phones. From the user ', s vision our approach
could be. More convenient because the, burden of carrying
a separate hardware token or extra charges from the Short
Message Service. Can be removed. Thus the, contribution
is therefore obviously.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..