When George Washington was a, small boy he loved to ride through the forest with his father. Mr.Washington was a very kind. Man. He often stopped to help his men cut down tree for firewood. "Father," asked the boy, "con 't, I help too? I will do. As you do. "" No my, son. You are still too young. "Said his father." But on your tenth birthday I will have a surprise for. You. "
.George waited for his tenth birthday to come. He wanted to know what his father was going him. At last the day came. His. Father gave him a hatchet. "Thank, you father," cried the boy. "It is beautiful! I like it. Now am I old enough to cut the. Trees in the forests? "" We will begin to teach you, "said Mr. Washington George learned, how to use His Hatchet very quickly.One day George went out alone. He saw a small tree in a field "I will have a surprise for my father," George thought. "I. Will cut down this tree comes. Nobody will know about it. "The boy took his hatchet and cut down the tree. When his father. Came back from the fields that evening he was sad. "Someone has cut down my best cherry tree," he told his wife. "I asked. All my men.They all said that they had mot done it. I don 't know who did it. "When George heard this he, was, sad too. He wanted. To make his father happy by helping him cut down the tree but now, his father was sad. He went to his father and said "Father,,, I am the one who cut down your cherry tree. I thought it would make you happy. I am so sorry "Mr. Washington took the boy. In his arms, and said"That tree was precious. But you are much more precious thing. Always tell, the truth my boy."
George Washington always. Remembered his father 's words. He grew up to be a brave man and became the first President of the United States of America.
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