On Monday. The students wanted to be new year's day in your classroom lessons? นักเรียนทุกคนจะเตรียมของขวัญไปโรงเรียนเพื่อแลกเปลี่ยกันและฉันอยากให้คุณเอาของขวัญไปด้วย
On Monday. The students wanted to be new year's day in your classroom lessons?All students will prepare a cash gift to schools to criticize each other, and I would like to provide you with a gift.
On Monday. The students wanted to be new year's day in your classroom lessons? All students are prepared to exchange gifts to the school, and I want you to take gifts.
On Monday. The students wanted to be new year 's day in your classroom lessons? all the students to prepare gifts to the school to exchange the และฉันอยาก you bring gifts .