เทศบาลนครขอนแก่นประสบปัญหาน้ำทิ้งจากระบบบำบัดน้ำเสียบึงทุ่งสร้างไหลรวมกับน้ำเสียบริเวณหมู่บ้านทุ่งเศรษฐีและชุมชนหนองใหญ่ 4 ซึ่งไม่ได้ผ่านการบำบัดทำให้มีค่าอัตราภาระบีโอดีสูงกว่าเกณฑ์มาตรฐานCurriculum in effluent from wastewater treatment system marsh stars deserted. Combined with the water flow over the village and community ทุ่งเศรษฐี Nong Yai 4 which do not go through therapy. To make the loading rate was higher than the standard BODCan take advantage from other areas. To solve the problems and water quality standard (through the loading rate of BOD) the municipal company has targeted areas in system building size 30 Rai
.Therefore, the objective of this project is to study the appropriate. In the wastewater treatment system more parts of the curriculum system, and recording of บำบัดน้ำเสีย The system will get more wastewater from public 3 isThe curriculum is the need to create a wastewater treatment system and further up. เพื่อแก้ไข such problems. The municipalities have needs system cost in construction is low.Water flowing from the water and marsh stars building wastewater from home and community ทุ่งเศรษฐี
.The collected data. The primary data, including sample collection system. To analyze water quality, and the secondary data include The basis of the curriculum. The working principle of wastewater treatment system of the 4 guidelines
.From the feasibility study found. Stabilization pond wastewater treatment system. Is the most appropriate both in engineering, economics and environment
.In the design of the system is based on the criteria of treatment engineering in design. Which consider the efficiency of effluent to out of the system through standard By the influent quantity, 9 810.47 m3 / day, with the loading rate of BOD 55 mg / L.And the effluent of the system were loading, BOD, about 20 mg / L. the pond facultative. The edge of the pond has plants in constructed wetland pond has an area 1 pond edge, 3 764 square meters and the middle area pond, 12 350 sq.m.Maturation pond and pond, pond 2 area, each 4 767 square meters. Removal of BOD loading rate, were 64
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