Yield increasing and quality to meet the needs in the output. Career promotion cultivation of aquatic plants for farmers.Beautiful water plants is an important fishery economy at present. Since it has been widely popular all over the world. The level or garden decoration and aquarium aquarium plants. At present, there are various kinds of aquatic plants250 type (Riehl, and Baensch1987) water plants unless there is a variety of colorful shapes beautiful, it is also beneficial to the fish. The aquatic plant is photosynthesis oxygen which fish used to breathe and help get rid of the waste excretion from the fish.Aquatic plant in the family (Family) Araceae such as aquatic plant genus Cryptocoryne, commonly called a brief that the script (Crypts) is a kind of beautiful water plants with high value in exportMalaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka (Science, and faculty2540) Cryptocoryne is พืชมีดอก single cotyledon. A biennial plant in freshwater as pus, swamp, ที่ชื damp wet with a shallow flooding or the canal with water flow slowly. A stem is the underground rhizomes, short flowIn the economy. Aquatic plant is the GSP has a bright future. The current market aquatic plants both in domestic and overseas expansion is relatively high. The value of export aquatic plant up to 100 million per year.Leaf veins arranged parallel stem is hollow. A bouquet of flowers held up over the water. Covered with a sheath with a tube end, roll out like a horn part cone bulge.(Cryptocoryne blasii) find a lot of southern Thailand, paddle or Aqua Water (Cryptocoryne ciliata) has spread through the central and southern countries. And paddle Yai (Cryptocoryne balansae) which is native water plants are found spread through Central ThaiAquatic plant genus Cryptocoryne has more than 60 species, some species are growing over the water. Some species were prosperous underwater, aquatic plant genus Cryptocoryne found in popular jewelry because of the beautiful exotic Aquarium IncludingSaffron, and view2543)
paddle Cryptocoryne balansae Gagnepain Khao Yai, a native of 1941 water plants like in the area is ปนทราย soil or mud, sand or rocks in streams or on high the waterfall. (Rataj, and Horeman1977) were popular aquarium ornamental planting because of its shape and colour of the leaves, beautiful and durable, can be in ตู้ปลาได้ long is water plants at the international market, there is a great demand and prices. (full moon and Kanchanaburi,2543) however yield can less. Because of the limited in nature, quite rare, propagated by seed and rhizome or flow. When the cultivating plots in cultured is growing slowly.The development of culture technology to produce beautiful water plants, such as propagation in a macro mass by means of tissue culture.And applied on the farms of the produced water condition right as've studied from the natural environment Lead the production methods, which yield quality according to international standards.Yield increasing and quality to meet the needs in the output. Career promotion cultivation of aquatic plants for farmers.For sustainable use next
.Therefore, the biology of the paddle control. To know the source distribution in nature. And the condition of ecological source of growth of paddle Yai, such as properties of water property of soil environment of the sources of growth.
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