Scientific name: Citrus aurantifolia (Christm) Swing.Family: RutaceaeLocal name: Orange, lemon Ma Leu (Chiang Mai)Characteristics of plants: as woody shrubs and small. Based on the short-order levers with barbed wire for the ruprangklom the green leaf edges slightly curly leaf and cone a goverment there seems to break down the rounded fragrance. Small, yellowish-white flower, black round results, there has been some shell water taste sour shell has oil aroma. BitternessPlanting: planting expert with Beijing at all kinds of clay in lime, especially soil and good drainage ruan sui should be planted in the rainy season planting methods used in the planting hole, Episode 15. Using compost is one of the innermost minor. The range of new planting will need watering every day if rain doesn't fall. What is covered and should find a shade before the beginning of the strong!Best used as a medicine and, in effect shell:From time to time that the drug will be effective: the range.Thai flavor and medicinal properties: wind-driven performance shell provides good bitterness. Effect of water-Lemon Sour is driving drug reduces cholesterol when children fall under no. Apply lemon juice mixed with dinsophong phokboriwen at the casino to make dinner and fall down soon.Scientific data: the skin of the lemon peel with essential oils "Wole la till" activity to drive wind gas flatulence cure. Best lemon juice has many types of chemicals such as Organic acid and citral. Slaronoid. vitamin c, lemon juice contains vitamin c treatment of scurvy due to vitamin c vitamin c section to solve the maximum to drive cholesterol because of the acid contained in lemon juice. Urge is driving out saliva throat symptoms causes, thus reducing the cough.How to use lemon juice and lemon peel: used as a medicine by contains the following items:Treatment of symptoms of abdominal bloating, lemon peel gas tight heartburn. Bring the fresh lime is approximately half result. Little ones or destroy enough oil. Making hot drinks when there are symptoms. Lemon juice salt concentration a little SIP frequently or will make lemonade. Salt and sugar. A sufficiently concentrated flavor. Drink frequently, it has the same delicious throat. Don't forget to put the ice would go down by a "cool lemonade," he said. Food value: lemon Thai seasoning is free. Tom yum spicy papaya salad with shrimp paste chili sauce, spicy minced meat of all kinds and many many others will have to apply lemon juice with good taste, it always happens. Totally delicious. In addition, lemon juice also took place as the fruit mentioned above. Delicious lovers throat. Your body will feel more pain occurred most refreshing drink most commonly.Benefits of lemon juice that is well known is that vitamin c is very high. Cure tooth bleeding well again, but vitamin c, decomposed easily. When it is hot, so be careful in cooking. There are many benefits of lemon. Thai people lack the time, lime is very troubling matter. As Prague is already so long ago in the dama result expensive lemon each ten baht. People complain because it is a common Thai face country dry lime fruit is less themselves.
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