Today is the day that I write my daily daiari for the first time, it made me feel excited because it is the first time that must be written in English, daiari. it makes me think that it is very difficult. When several days. The teachers were assigned to me is a small piece of one of the books, and I'm with a friend who has 2 strikes again was made public, but that day my library to my friends saikwa a very disappointing, but after the work piece. I have 2 other friends and people they visit the purchase of hotel sen opaya with friends I bought sushi and cake. My friend just bought. When I went back to the House. It is a very delicious cake, green tea and sushi was very delicious consecutively. After eating snack I went to see a movie, it's going to take a bath and some vacation before bed to sleep the day before I had the great pleasure there may be a matter of regret, but I don't have a life, just the sorrow alone.
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