What I want to tell the reader, and subordinates. We need to improve, change, change management. The world today, it's a very fast rotation of occurred, technology daily, every second. Everything happens all the time. Therefore, we need to develop themselves more to develop enterprise development colleagues, go with us to the technology. If we do not manage to change that. We will even go backwards, we are an agency that is backwards to gradually move back must be powered at all times. Must have an aim. What is the final goal, based on the world, but we need to show our potential. Do not rotate the world without their own potential. Want to see if we have the potential of how we are going to rotate. The potential of the Organization, how to rotate slowly rotate speed only. If we are better to be powered by powered by other things around by the forces, we must be driven. It will be more painful if we are powered by our preparedness and.
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