Exercise for health. Any person that has a strong health as one of the significant factors that encourage them to succeed in areas such as education, work, etc because they are healthy can physically and mentally more than unhealthy people, it might be said that it is very healthy that everyone desires. The Buddhist proverb "arokha ponma la four" health is good and lucky that we have a health did not arise from getting a blessing from the Holy things, but we can all create by yourself is to care for their health, such as adequate rest is our.Useful dining Avoid different risk factors and exercise on a regular basis, etc., especially the exercises as well as disease prevention drugs pharmaceutical medications and treatments as well that do not require a lot of money to buy. Thus, exercise is important to people of all ages. Exercise means doing any activities that cause the body or parts of the body, movement and has led to various systems of the body occurs. Strong and work efficiently (manat per word, page 2548 (2005), 49) in an exercise like exercise correctly according to the principles of scientific and practice the sport will benefit, the benefits of exercise can be divided as follows: 1. the body 2. the mind. 3. the intelligence 4. social aspects Figure 1 the benefits of exercise. 1. the body Exercise will make organ and body system has changed and developed in a way that is better. As follows: 1.1 muscle muscle systems is growing. Make the size of muscle fibers to grow bigger (Hypertrophy) and adds the ability to exert. Make the performance of the muscles increases. Your muscles will work longer because there is less oxygen consumption. 1.2 the system layout, while the kaikraduk is compressed from the raengklam body which will encourage growth contains bone. Both the width and the thickness of large joints, it will be changed to suit the working. 1.3 respiration and circulatory system. Exercising regularly cause respiratory and circulatory systems work more efficiently: 1 table.Table 1 the benefits of exercise on the respiratory system and blood flow dynamics.Circulatory system. Respiratory system.1. the heart muscle increases in size.1. the ability to match the body's oxygen (Maximum Oxygen uptake) With increased value.2. pulse rate while decreasing pulse rate as well as exercise the highest level lower slowly.2. breathing more efficient.3. to increase the red blood cell volume, and he flew to find module.3. the vital capacity (Vital capacity) Increased.4. reduce fats in the blood4. large chests. Breathing muscle strength increase lung flexibility.5. increase the performance of the heart when heart rate is lower.5. reduce the danger of the disease, which is related to the respiratory system and circulatory system. 2. the mind exercising on a regular basis will result in a stable personalities who can adapt to the environment as well. A good relationship can be adjusted to get the stress as well. There is emotional intelligence (EQ) in a good level. 3. the intelligence In addition to exercise, can affect the mind. People who exercise on a regular basis, you will have the ability to solve problems. Have the ability to think creatively? Have the ability to learn is the ability to adapt to various events as well. 4. social aspects Exercise can help improve a social maturity. Social intelligence is due to the body being kanokam as sports that encourage greater interaction with people. Leading to the development of good social skills.The basic elements in the exercise. 1. warm the body (Warm-up) duration of warm bodies to do exercise. Warm the body increases the temperature of the body the flexibility of tendons and muscles weaken and warm body helps prevent injury and muscle pain. In a warm body with these practices. -Make your warm for a period of 10-15 minutes. -Make your muscles and joints flexible, able to work with full range of motion, such as walking. Other activities to a trot that warm the body. -Make warm on the whole body, especially the muscles associated with exercise. -Warm to start slowly, respiratory and circulatory system gradually increases. 2. the range of operational activities or exercise (Workout/Activity) after that warm the body successfully. Before beginning the exercise should choose appropriate clothing, the body needs movement is free and safe. Practices during this period are as follows: Operating time is 30 mins-60 mins. -Carry on-demand activities that will develop components, such as the strength of the muscles. Muscle endurance Patience of the circulatory system and respiratory system and its weaknesses, the. -In accordance with your individual requirements. -Select the time range and while exercising -For those who start exercising to increase the amount of time in the kanokam case, the body is heavy and a range of constant work. 3. to stay warm (Cool-Down) after a hard workout at the warmer is an important part in helping blood to flow back into the heart. During the stay warm in injury protection better than during the warm body. Practices during this period are as follows: -Operating time is 5-10 minutes after the workout. -Make a living as an exercise. -An activity that consists of Overview of our journey
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