3 years go through both have graduated grade 6. In 3 years time both intimate engagement too many women friends. In order to perform activities in the school allows both love each other without realizing it. Both kwin and tati package On the night before graduation certification in secondary years 6. Kwin invited a tati to celebrate his room
Package: kwin tati said this evening, we went to celebrate at our room! Now today, we are the dealer itself to tati full platform:
. The most adorable kwin. But today, we get a Cook yourself?!?
kwin: Well, Yes, we would have been Reuben tasting your cooking skill a tati tati packages for a long time: I
thanks for everything kwin make a tati. We feel very fortunate that we had a good win-friends
kwin's room.After eating both hand a tati, tati package kwin oho
: with so much delicious rice this evening.
A tati: (smiles bloom with a smile and a slightly embarrassed khün)
kwin speak up that well, we come to tati package: what's better for other fun
.A tati: what hey who needs an excuse
kwin: Let's sing better.
a tati: it is a good idea!;
, then they both clamoring residents play. But during a live singing is tati, tati package kwin has invited to drink coffee-Jorge
kwin: Try ดื่ห noi?
a tati: we are not drinking, we're drinking better than drinking a little bit
: kwin is not driving? Its taste is weird like that.
: tati package, we would like a little bit of drinking today!
.Kwin was caught drinking alcohol, glass-tati. A glass-tati gets alcohol from kwin and then she drank it. In her first full glass "and begin running liquor flavors, and then asked for another glass of drink: kwin. Her face red, sweet eyes, began to best began a very drunk kwin keen rarely knows the story. At midnight, they both got drunk. Everybody say the secrets contained in each person's mind comes out
.Kwin: kwin knows all the best luck kwin that can come with a friend, a tati. Tati package now, you are everything to me. I don't know if I said this word out, it will make the relationship between the US ended naked or
a tati: Kwin would say hey who needs an excuse. We wait to hear live!
kwin: Well, well, I, I, I, I love to decorate, you pull a tati. A tati enough hearing so much red kwin said she was shaking both and don't think she is the same idea, kwin. Her face is very red and she smiled glad to become shallow and AI
kwin: A tati Tonight, she's cute!
Paula a tati heard her speaking visit kwin that made her even more adorable love even more and kwin in all this night both have agreed, as a fan. With the venom of the l-Lahore and cuteness of a tati tati package kwin make words that offend fans. Making the sky look beautiful
One month has passed a strange feeling symptoms tati her feel dizzy and vomiting symptoms nausea, then tati package kwin were taken to a doctor so the doctor detect symptoms that tati is a package? After the packages are designed to make a neat. Listening room scene effects.
Doctor: I am congratulations to you both, with a little bit
kwin: doctor! What is my boyfriend lol Hey who needs an excuse
layout doctor: is that these symptoms are signs of people allergic to the conclusion I was your girlfriend pregnant lol
tati packages:Yes, Hey who needs an excuse Beijing doctor (faces of a tati is smiling happily)
I: true lol! My congratulations to you both as well!
kwin: I thank you very much doctor haha
kwin:I am very glad that we will have children together. I promise I'll take care of you the best and will always be father of my daughter, tati package
contract: that will take care of our loving agents provide the best
.After realizing that both their parents were. A tati decided to persuade her to tell it to kwin children
tati tati package kwin-I said: we should be telling this story with the mother of a tati!
kwin:Kwin is that we do, then we should bring this matter to tell an adult, I agree
platform: tati. Tomorrow we go to mother PAE tati had.
dude: kwin.Morning dawn, the couple traveled to find the mother of a tati home-to tell the truth of his mother's home a couple tati
.Once a parent saw tati A tati rushing to hug mother, with a fragrant mother's cheek with a glad both left and right. After she heard the story of the kwin and a daughter with love and tati. Na Rin, thus accepting the kwin and exultation of kwin, the mother of a child are tati kwin accepted law
.Na Rin: she let both triple a good care, mutual aid. If nothing happens. Please be very hard to forgive. We were a bit light, any help and our lives, they both will be happy
kwin:Yes, I agree that takes care of the daughter of Mae na Rin, and his mother's as well lol
tati package: kwin omyim mother seen compatible with CD
.During the return journey. A tati turned to see big banners with text that says "invite music lovers to attend a global singing contest" Paula a tati see this message, it should go to a candidate race as soon as possible
competitive arena.On the first day of competition. Prepare your packages more competitive with tati in this time. She practiced singing training with kwin throughout her waiting
kwin: tati package need not be excited we had to
a tati:We feel fear is this forum it's so much bigger
kwin: try deep breathing and slow! And then a thought, try tati in front of the stage, no one is just me alone, a tati will reduce the fear down
tati tati package package: attempting to!
.Comedian on stage are published to invite top
. The girl who loved music since childhood until today she will come to show the power of her voice, we hear. Invitation to my sister a tati!
wathi tati-background:To the queue and we also feel the fear is constant kwin: tati package try thought photti was practicing singing with kwin XI but a tati, the best I can, and I think you need to make. Yes, su
tati packages:Kotkwin went gently with fragrant cheeks tighten and left saying a tati tati is a dream come true, and Yes, our daughter is done to
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