Contributions fund a replacement store twice a year as follows: 1 store within January 31 of each year called the "annual contribution". Except for the first year that employers have to pay registration, within 30 days, but has employed 1. The second store within March 31 of every year called "contributions from the Payroll report". Because the contribution year store. Calculated from the wages were estimated in advance and contribution rate X during the year, there may be changes to increase or reduce wages so that in February of every year the employer payroll served notice of the amount paid to employees for everyone, including last year. To the social security office, known as the province of Ratchaburi, a display of the annual contribution (Bangkok, 20), to be compared with the wages that have been estimated at the beginning of the year. If you pay less than the original, it will collect contributions in March unless the estimated wage is higher than the actual pay. The employer will receive a contribution that exceeds the pay back.
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