Oh, Cuba declared victory after leading America into the changes
Mr. Barack Obama first black president of the United States, the 44 speeches, thank you for your support on this day (5 November), or when the past midnight local time on her รนด์พาร์ค Chicago.Coral Sea or electronic voting more than 270 to win
sound.Mr. Barak said that this election is the most historically to vote and is not divided into a red or blue, but it is the U.S.and he says, when early in the past, Mr. แมคเคน phone. Congratulations, and then with the แมคเคน said that the inhabitants of the United States should help us appreciate the sacrifices and thank you Mr. แมคเคน ไบเด Mr. Joe.and 16 years ago, he has been the support and the love of his wife, and he said unto him, Come, and I am ทเชล both 2, and that of his grandmother and even had it not been pleased with, but I believe that she will be watched from any one.
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