Reinstated dealers Book this agreement made as of the date the company ................... Ltd. .............................................................................................................. ................................. Between companies ............................................ Ltd., which in this contract will be called one "......................." Company with limited Managing Director ............................................. .......................................... which in this contract are called ".....................". Both sides have agreed the contract therefore has the following message. 1. definition 1.1 product means any object, material, chemical, object, which is used as an ingredient that are related to your car, including spray paint, materials, pharmaceuticals, or floor or down fillings and thinner, which is produced and sold by the "............" under the trade name and trademark ........................ 1.2 market refers to the County of the Kingdom of Thailand. 1.3 the customer segmentation, consider the following. A. the customer is a merchant or a car repair shop as a customer of "......................" the distinguished. B. the client with a list of customers in the contract attached as "..................." C. repair centers manufacturer company car, the car is a customer of "................." The Eagles. Types of customer manufacturing plant, cars, trucks, buses, tractors, parts, In addition to the cars that are specified in an a. c. – still considered to be a customer of ................. 2. the appointment of the 2.1 appointment request "............", "............." is the distributor of products in the market, but only according to the terms and conditions stated in this contract. "..............." 2.2 will be responsible for the cost incurred in the following cases: A. I try to maintain a business location to the appropriate level, with the sales and service staff is efficient enough to be served as usual. In order to ensure that there are enough salespeople and ready to provide services to customers quickly and efficiently.B. inventory control products to care enough and a variety of colors.Quality, ready to meet the needs of our customers quickly. This item will need to be "....................." needs to "....................." in such a manner as well. C. try to increase productivity, sales and promotional coverage to stimulate market sales staff to find the customer market across all parts of the province to increase sales. The Eagles. Trade compliance. Policies and terms as stated in this contract or any other instructions as reasonably possible, "............." determines from time to time, and to cooperate closely with representatives of the "................" that comes with market surveys. Mon "..............." "....................." reports about the acts of the relevant product, and because of the demands of the customers. 2.3 ............. Will not sell products outside the market, whether directly or indirectly, without the consent of ................... Before. 3. sales prices 3.1 product sales price will contain costs on packing. Freight, customs clearance charges, taxes and charges, but does not include value added tax. 3.2 the purchase price is subject to change by selling products must comply with the conditions in section 3.3. 3.3 adjusting the price will be adjusted once a year since the last price adjustment effective grain must be by written notice, not less than 90 days know ........ unless force majeure occurs, such as severe inflation or significantly increase the price of raw materials, goods or merchandise shortages of raw materials or differences in currency exchange rates. .......... Changes significantly. In such cases, therefore, the price can be adjusted. When such an incident still must be disbursed by an advance notice, not less than 90 days ...... know as well. 3.4 "........." has the right to determine the selling price of their products to customers. 4. delivery and compensation. 4.1 products will be delivered at warehouse ...... without freight. Lost, damaged, or does not want "........." number of written notice, known as to why a particular "........." within 7 days after the date of delivery. If this is not responsible for such damage. 4.2 compensation claim cases, the number of which is not caused by the product, the number of marriages between different order with an invoice of "........." must be made in writing within 7 days counting from the date the product is delivered to the warehouse of ".........", or the date the invoice is received "........." of ".........", but what will happen after the case as a criterion. If this "........." will not be liable for such damage. 4.3 ในกรณีที่ผลิตภัณฑ์ชำรุดหรือเสื่อมสภาพโดยหลังจากที่เก็บไว้ในคลังสินค้า ไม่ว่าในเวลาใด “.........” ตกลงยินยอมที่จะนำผลิตภัณฑ์ประเภท ชนิด คุณภาพ และจำนวนหรือปริมาณเท่าเทียมกันมาเปลี่ยนให้กับ ......... โดยไม่คิดค่าใช้จ่ายหรือคืนเงินค่าผลิตภัณฑ์สำหรับส่วนที่เสียหายให้แก่ ......... โดยไม่มีดอกเบี้ยภายในหนึ่งเดือนนับแต่ได้รับแจ้งถึงเหตุเสียหายหรือเสื่อมสภาพนั้น ข้อ 5. การชำระเงิน 5.1 ชำระเงินเป็นสกุลเงินบาทเต็มจำนวน โดยไม่มีการหักค่าบริการธนาคาร 5.2 ระยะเวลาการให้สินเชื่อ คือ -From the date the contract-............................... Credit period ........ Days from the date the next day, the end of the month that is sending the goods. - ตั้งแต่วันที่ ……………………… - ……………………….. Credit period ...... next days days from the date the end of the month that is sending the goods. -From .......................... onwards for credit .......... period of days from the date the next day, the end of the month that is sending the goods. 6. assistance and campaign. “.........” จะสนับสนุน “.........” โดยการให้ความรู้ทางเทคนิค และส่งผู้เชี่ยวชาญเท่าที่จำเป็นต่อการขายผลิตภัณฑ์ในตลาดและสนับสนุนข้อมูลและเอกสารที่จำเป็นรวมตลอดถึงสัญญาอื่น ที่เกี่ยวกับการจัดการโฆษณาส่งเสริมการขาย และการให้บริการทางเทคนิค ซึ่งแนบกับสัญญานี้ และอาจปรับปรุงแก้ไขได้เสมอทุกปี สัญญาการโฆษณาและการส่งเสริมการขาย รวมทั้งสัญญาการให้บริการทางเทคนิคถือเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของสัญญานี้ ค่าใช้จ่ายต่าง ๆ ที่เกิดขึ้นในการให้ความช่วยเหลือและส่งเสริมการขายตามข้อนี้ จะเป็
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..