Yes, this is the day, now that his brother is a machine part about afternoon. Two and a half o'clock if you reach the contact or call back now would find difficult, because people probably brother want simply the PIM message and now at all time and date to messages sent to brother before boarding the now paid four muen sister already had transferred many thanks regarding documenting the acquisition and spend much of the money now will focus on about PI insurance documents to be filed to withdraw at that Bank.Yes, brother, before six o'clock of the day fourteen times, Thailand would have to criticize a simple five-six muen Keri this one had the most important now is that the brothers ever say will not help other fish if this amount is paid, my sister, and then the matter will be made now to prepare a document for the return of all the insurance picking out and then to go down immediately, I have brother in. ...... at the old account, I had an extremely important here.
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