'We should only buy Grown Food that is locally.'
Food 1.transporting long distances.
The choice of food in the local economy. Food was good quality, cheap to buy and easy 2.eating a wide variety of food , nutrition science has stated that. Nutrients that are important for the body of the man, with a total of nearly 50 kinds of chemical nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids that are important for the body. But our bodies are unable to synthesize these compounds by themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on nutrients from the diet. We should eat a varied diet. How to eat a varied diet Is food choices to meet every type of food. And to enjoy each of them. To eat each shift. Rotate Eating a variety of categories that are useful in many respects is to help the body get all the nutrients required by the body to massacre. Allow the balance of the reaction between compounds or ingredients. Help create a balance of nutrients that the body should be given in different forms. Which is derived from sources of different types. Lets get physical Of phytochemicals from multiple sources. And adds a sense of fun The happy eating It also boosts interest Attentive and fun to select and analyze it. Each dish What other nutrients. The important thing is to eat a variety. This reduces the risk of accumulation of harmful substances mixed with other foods.
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