We would like to request for quicker delivery date of PO 16-025 LSR2650 from May 10, 16 to be end of April’16 if possible. This due to we would like to prepare stock for increasing consumption in the market.
We would like to request for quicker delivery date of PO 16-025 LSR2650 from May 10, 16 to be end of April'16 if possible. This due to we would like to prepare stock for increasing consumption in the market.
We would like to request for quicker delivery date of PO 16-025 LSR2650 from May 10, 16 to be end of April'16 if possible. This due to we would like to prepare stock for increasing consumption in the market.
We would like to request for quicker delivery date of PO 16-025 LSR2650 from May 10 16 to, be end of April "16 if possible.? This due to we would like to prepare stock for increasing consumption in the market.