Advantages-disadvantages of opening the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.AdvantagesTourismThe population increased from 600 million people will make Thai advantage in becoming the Centre of ASEAN Tourism images. Because the country is Thai, along with geography, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, and that it be ready to transport the entire land air water. There are many tourist places (notice from the country was voted travel magazines and travel guides frequently) There can be robust consumption, nup Marga. There are many hotels there are various levels. There is food. A unique culture. There is a wide range in attractions. Seaside These ancient mountains, waterfalls, which will make Thai advantage other countries. In the field of tourism very seriously.EducationNeighboring populations, such as Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Burma and Vietnam may come in more Thai because Thailand's Thai studies quite well. If this is not relative to the country don't (notice from the Thai nation often have gold medal in the first Olympic competition to frequently) and Thai geographical advantages and availability of various University considerably. Make Thai-centred education as well.The disadvantagesThe agricultureAgricultural output of the Thai might not be able to compete with the agricultural productivity of the neighbor country's agriculture because Thai is the production cost per Rai is quite high. Moreover, productivity per Rai has less than (which is known for a long time that productivity per Rai of Thai rice to Vietnam. In Vietnamese there is a higher yield per RAI) because the graves are often hired rathai satok workers instead of ourselves. Use of chemical fertilizer, herbicide usage. Additives accelerating productivity is relatively high. Parts of neighboring countries, mostly to do cultivation. There are no employment. Used Eagle as the majority and labour from agriculture in the past, Thai-like animal. The machine is a little involved, thus making more than the minimum production cost is very Thai.The public health.Opening the ASEAN community Make the access of the international population, can make things easier, which may cause the outbreak of contact is rapid. For example, the epidemiology of the infection. Eco Lai in the European Union (EU), etc. Moreover, the health of neighboring countries, the lack of quality or are not covered as it should. For example, the various vaccinations may not good enough or not enough coverage, which may cause disease, there are almost no Thai outbreak back to occur again, such as measles (Measles) poliomyelitis (Poliomyelitis), etc.
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