There are a variety of colors, such as the color purple, green, yellow, but my favorite color is pink, because pink makes me feel good and sweet pink. When I'm happy, I like to wear clothing with pink
(Source: Weaving It Together, Book 3 1st ed, pages 3-4)
Red white,,Pink Purple - what, is your favorite color? We are all sensitive to color. There are some colors we like a lot and some. We don 't like at all. Some colors, soothe us others excite us some make, us happy and others, make us sad. People are affected. By color more than they realize because color is tied to all aspects of our lives.
Experts in colorgenics the study, of. The language, of colorBelieve that the colors we wear say a lot about us. Do you know why you select a shirt or dress of a certain color when. You look through your clothes in the mornerts say that we subconsciously choose to wear certain colors in order to communicate. ,, our desires emotions and needs.
Colorgenics experts claim that our clothes send messages to others about our mood personality,,, And desires.For these experts pink expresses, the peace and contentment of the wearer. People who often wear pink are supposed to be. Warm and understanding. The message is that you would like to share your peace and happiness with others. Red, garments. On the, other hand indicate a high level of physical energy. People who wear red like to take life at a fast pace.Brown is the color of wealth and it shows a need for independence and material security. Wearers of green have a love of. Nature and enjoy peaceful moments. They often like to be left alone with their thoughts.
Although colorgenics may be a. Recent area, of study associating colors with emotions is not new. Colors have always been used to describe not only our. Feelings.But also our physical health and attitudes. "Red with rage" describes anger; "in the pink" means to be in good health;? "Feeling blue" is a sad way to feel; and "green with envy" indicates a jealous attitude.
Color is used symbolically in. All cultures and it plays an important role in ceremonies and festivities.Yellow is a symbol of luck in Peru and it can be seen just about everywhere during New Year celebrations--in flowers clothing,,, And decorations. Some Peruvians say, "The more yellow you have around you the luckier, you will be in the new year." Yellow. Is also an important color to the Vietnamese who use, it at weddings and also on their flag where it represents courage,,, Victory and, sacrifice.In many cultures white symbolizes, purity which is, why brides often wear white wedding gowns. Black on the other hand,,, Symbolizes death and it, is often the color people wear to funerals.
According to, colorgenics experts colors not only. Are a mirror, of ourselves but they have an effect on us as well. Blue, is calming while red is stimulating and exciting.It 's no coincidence that racing cars are often painted red. Yellow is a happy color that makes us feel good about, life. Pink awakens love and kindness.
Some experts are so convinced that colors have a strong effect on us that they believe. Colors can be used to heal. They say that by concentrating our thoughts on, certain colorsWe can cause energy to go to the parts of the body that need treatment. White light is said to, be cleansing and it can. Balance the body 's entire system. Yellow stimulates the mind and creates a positive attitude so it, can help against depression.? Green which has, a calming and, restful effect is supposed to be good for heart conditions.Books are now available that teach people how to heal with color. These books provide long lists of ailments and the colors. That can heal them.
Some psychologists and physicians also use color to help them treat patients with emotional and psychological. Problems. By giving them what is called the Luscher, color test in which people select the colors they like, and dislikeDoctors can learn many things about a patient 's personality.
, In conclusion the study of color can help us to understand. Ourselves and to improve our lives. It offers an alternative way to heal they body, and spirit and it can help us understand. What others arte trying to communicate. We can then respond to their needs and achieve a new level of understanding.
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